My heart carries these most beautiful and very precious smiles within it. Lately, God has graciously allowed me to see glimpses of the impact I make on His people and for His Kingdom. In my pursuit to live a life dedicated to the Lord, I have often found myself wondering if I was even making a dent of an impact at all. I live to please God and not man, at least I aim to. I am not perfect, but I am perfected through an Almighty God who sees me as a finished work standing before Him. I strive for excellence. I set my sights high. I have to. I cannot look downward or shift my focus on anything other than God and His Agenda. Anytime I have done other than that, I have had to work that much harder just to get back on track.
Have you ever peered out of one of those telescopes on a Harbor Peer? You pop in a quarter, or probably a dollars worth of quarters nowadays, and you can see closely certain landmarks or scenery you can't see up close with just your eyes. Maybe you always brought your own! I didn't usually have any binoculars on me, but as a kid I remember it seemed to be the coolest thing to be able to look through these giant telescopes and see what those other people were able to see. I didn't want to miss anything! Once I was finally able to see through it though, I couldn't get it to focus on the area I was looking for. My view in the telescope was somehow skewed. "Is this thing broken", I thought. I would go back and forth looking in the telescope and then out with my eyes until they both fell upon the same destination. Wow! It was so exciting. It was just a building or a mountain, but I felt so cool being able to look through this thing that it became a Wow to me. When I would try and look at the next object of interest the telescope would seem to move too quickly and I would spend another chunk of time trying to align the image between my eyes in and out of the telescope. No easy task for an impatient and excited kid I tell ya. My coordination as an adult is definitely better, but it's still not an easy way to see things up close. Binoculars would be the better choice (more control), but the giant telescope cemented into the ground is still a cherished memory that I hold onto and will take every opportunity to experience whenever I get the chance.
Strangely, I wonder what life would be like if that was our ONLY view...through the giant telescope that is. I cannot imagine the kinds of frustration that would evoke as you tried to go from one place to the next (Mental Images of People Walking Around With Binocular Eye Extension It would be almost neglecting, not almost it would be neglecting, to your up close surroundings. How do you move about The NOW and still keep in view The AHEAD? methods of using the giant telescope may have proven useful after all. My back and forth perceptions using my eyes and using the scope allowed me to best navigate and remain aware. The pairing is what helped me find the destination I was seeking. Now I must admit, I needed help at first with the giant telescope and thus my own way of doing it was born...LOL! Classic finding the way! I have tried to pass my methods on to my kiddies, but alas they too must find the way that works best for them, as much as I think that my way is the best. :)
God is like that with us too...although He DOES Know the best way. He just patiently waits for us to try ourselves until we ask for help and THEN we can from there figure out how it will work for us. Hmmm...HERE is the Way, but everyone will step their feet down differently and approach it at different times. JESUS is the Way, and everyone's feet come upon His path at different times and He has led us to Him in different ways, ways that meet us where WE are. Oh How He knows us!
I so appreciate how God reminds me though. Sometimes my "Up Close View" and my "Far Ahead View" make it hard to see clearly at first. Once it all aligns up, for a moment I bask in the excitement and achievement. I found it. I'm not looking for affirmation for all that I do for God's Kingdom, but affirmation feels nice when you have been working so hard, not always seeing surface results, but hoping God was able to successfully use you in someone's life. When I lead that song, did it touch someone? Did they see my heart and passion for Christ? Did it lead them into His presence? When I speak the word over someone, did they receive it? Did it help change their lives? Did it help guide them back to Jesus? I know it is not by my own power, or strength, or anything that God's Will would be done. It is by my obedience to his leading of me that makes the real impact. And when He takes a moment to share with me what is occurring I can't help but beam with happiness. Yes! It more so affirms my purpose and it is truly such a great reward, honor, and privilege to uphold.
What's in Your Scope?