Saturday, March 17, 2012

I've Been A Busy Little Bee...

I have been a busy little bee as of late...Things in my life have taken an abrupt turn in a direction I did not quite foresee happening so rapidly. I'm beyond excited for what it all means as I take each step. All along this journey I'm left ONLY being able to trust in God because I have no idea what I'm doing. It's all so much bigger than me. I'm driven by this inspiration to pursue my passions and my hubby has been a tremendous help and push as my wobbly legs stepped off this boat, onto the water, and out for a walk. Funny though how a leisurely stroll has became a marathon run...or at least that's what it feels like.

I find myself many times cruising on "auto-pilot" and then becoming startled as I realize I wasn't even paying attention to how I got from point A to point B. I know God is using this journey to show me some things about myself, things He wants me to allow Him to change, things He wants to help blossom in me, revelations He wants to awaken within me and speak through me.

Easy is not a word I will be using to describe this fact this Jourmey is far from anything remotely close to the Island of Easy, yet somehow I'm smooth sailing in this tumultuous and often bi-polar weather. I can only hope to successfully and obediently complete this race set before me and truly bring glory to God's name as He rolls back the tape of my life.

So here is what I have been up to:

The Launching of My New Website... C h r i s t i n a M i c h e l e

 I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging via MyLifeWritten and will continue to do so for now. However, my life is merging into something different and most often you see me writing/blogging via ChristinaMichele or ChristianTalkSpot. I hope you will join me and follow me on these NEW's Still MyLifeWritten just perhaps an additional novel, a next chapter, a new book...I'm not quite sure yet, but I'll let you know when I do.

You can link to my ChristinaMichele FB Page and click on LIKE or Follow Me on Twitter @ChrstnaMchele or visit ChristianTalkSpot and be inspired. 

Thank You to all of you who have journeyed with me from the beginning or who are just joining in...Everything is purposeful. You have blessed me by reading and following me and I hope to have blessed, encouraged, and inspired you in some way on your own journey.

Until the Next Post...


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