Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Un-stick Me...

So, I have been hearing people say the common phrase, "I feel stuck!" quite a bit which let's me know it's a corporate feeling and God is stirring something up. I know we have been on the brink of something Huge! But then the funny and probably at this point obvious thing happened...dun dun dun!!!!....yep, I feel STUCK now too! Everyone has there own "stuck" issues, but they all lead into the bigger picture...the feeling on the inside that it creates. 

My "stuck issue" is a Huge, Flashy, Look This Way kind of signal to get my attention that a new move is upon us, or me. Why, Oh Why, don't I just press in and pray right away instead of give room to the rolling tumbleweed of emotions!!! I think my children must feel it too because they have been acting odd or just oddly emotional. Gah...on the verge of tears over weird things...many reasons why...but very reflective! Reflective over the things in my life I haven't changed or can't change...just looking at all my flaws and thinking, "Gosh Christina, you know you can do these things, stop being lazy, what's wrong with you, work out like you want to, get some energy already, fatigue doesn't belong here, press in more, read your word more, pray more, write those songs hiding somewhere down deep, write those books wanting to come out....aaaahhhhhhh!" Sometimes the thought of all these things overwhelms me into a frozen shock, and all I can do is do nothing and focus on other things. It's in these moments where I begin to feel that dang "press" again consuming me. "Wrong consuming Christina", I tell myself! Be consumed with God's Fire not the emotions of the flesh. 

Alright, deep breath in and out! So where do I go from here? How do I change where I am at to get to where I want to be or where I should be? By the should part I just mean, the place God says for me to be, in His presence, focusing on Him, not Me...Grr, then it's the "Gah I'm here again" realization...this looks so familiar, like a cycle that cannot be broken. Am I doomed to repeat this always? No! I must break free from the illusion of this wheel I seemed to be trapped in. Why do I allow myself to believe the illusion? Why do YOU allow yourself to believe the illusion? 

We are not stuck, or trapped, or confined to a cage being pressed in by the unchangeable circumstances around us. God says in Joshua 1:9  "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid, neither be dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you in all places where you go." Why should I worry and fret and feel stuck when the Almighty is with me in ALL PLACES...how then can I be stuck? 1Chronicles 28:20  "And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it. Do not fear, nor be dismayed, for Jehovah God, my God, will be with you. He will not fail you nor leave you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of Jehovah." Open your eyes Christina! Open and see the truth!!! Psalms 119:18  "Open my eyes, so that I may behold wonderful things out of Your Law". You are safe in the arms of the Lord your God who has covered you and filled you with peace. 1Corinthians 15:2  "by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain." Be strong in the power of His might as He is the one directing your path! Isaiah 40:26  "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who has created these, who brings out their host by number? He calls them all by names by the greatness of His might, for He is strong in power; not one is lacking."  Do not fear saith the Lord, that you would not succeed in all that I have given you, for all I have given you will prosper at the touch of your hands because I have first touched it with My hand! Trust in Me, saith the Lord. Trust in Me with all your heart, your mind, and your soul, and watch My Power manifest in your life and the lives of those around you, for I am with you saith the Lord of hosts! I am with you and I have never forsaken you, neither have I left your side. But you need only to turn around and look at me with your eyes. Gaze upon Me, upon My Glory and let My Fire reign down upon you and consume you so that you may burn for Me and for My people. Put to work that which I have set before thee! Put to work with your hands all that I have given unto you and do not anymore be idle for to be weary in well doing is failure in my sight but to be mighty through the power of your works is to have an effect on My people and for My kingdom. You can do this My child! You are strong in Me! Lean on Me and not your flesh and you will be filled with success in your house and in Mine all your days on the earth!

In Jesus name, Amen...thank You God for that outpouring of You word, poured into me. I feel refreshed and awakened! I will not give into vain imaginations but cast them down because they are not my own. I will align my thoughts with Yours, that Your Perfect Will might be perfected and manifested in me!

AaahhhhhEphesians 6:10  "Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." 

An amazing prayer from an Spurgeon Daily Devotional: 
"Dear Father, I humbly bow before You, confessing that I am so often like the children of Israel. I confidently promise to live in obedience to Your will. Then, I quickly stray from Your path and indulge my own will. Thank You for Your forgiving grace. Yet, I earnestly cry out for more. I need Your transforming grace to renew my inner man unto increasing obedience to You, through Jesus, my Lord, Amen."

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