Monday, May 24, 2010


I am left with this feeling of being pulled into something with such intensity only to be dropped off the edge of a cliff....grrrrrrrr!!! My emotions, although did choke me up in a few scenes, are jumbled and abused...that's what it was abused emotions...ah well...I should have guessed because of all the symbols throughout the shows and even on the church window in the season finale. Well...I'm sure I will feel better once these emotions have dissipated. I guess it's hard to "end" something everyone has invested so much time it the producers, actors, and viewers, etc. I think this review says it best:

(by the way...I am talking about the 6 season series LOST...for those who may be lost...LOL)

"This series is an example of an experiment that intrigued enough people (and made enough "money) that they had to keep it going, even though the writers didn't have a clue about what to do next season. It proves that character trumps plot, because certainly the plot has enough holes to fly a fleet of 747s through. My suggestion to bored people (either loving or hating it) is that they pick up a BOOK, and get some reading in before you get hooked on another one of these series. At least in most books you have to be credible, or it won't get published. There is no point to argue about what this show means or doesn't mean because the writers admitted they were making it up as they went along, and so it got so convoluted it was running on fumes (like the jet which miraculously started right up with the help of duct tape, and flew out of the jungle on a short dirt runway). The ending was a cop-out, a melodramatic tear jerker that allowed you to see the characters you've grown to know hugging each other. It offers no real explanation of what went before for years...the Dharma initiative, the button to stop the world from ending, etc. And you don't even care. The characters are what matters. --author of FAME ISLAND"

*WARNING Disclaimner* Purgatory & then heaven...really?! (still LOST) Sorry either are for Christ or against Him, there is no mixture of both, HELL is HELL & HEAVEN IS HEAVEN & you don't get experience both. There is no "Christian Shepherd" leading the people out of Hell. Once you are there you're there. The only way to heaven is through Jesus while you still have a choice to make. So annoying to see things perversed which really does cause people to be "LOST"

Ok so, back to life, back to reality...

Until another moment,
Loves & Hugs!

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