Thursday, October 21, 2010

A painted picture perhaps...

Luke 24:38 “And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled?
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?”

Imagine for a minute an image, a painted picture. Here in Luke, the disciples were on the boat out in the middle of the water when they spotted something or someone off in the distance. A ghost, something terrible, what could it possibly be? Not for one second did they think it would be a live person, let alone Jesus walking in the middle of the dark waters. But it was in fact Jesus! And this is the story of Him walking on water. I won’t go into details about it, you can go read it for yourself, but let’s look at it from another perspective than just a story of faith in Jesus and the miracles He continued to show the people. Let’s look at the waters as our many troubles, our many woe’s and worries, our fears, all those things that keep us un-rested and weary. Then picture Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, our very present help in the time of need, our Counselor, our everlasting peace, our joy, our strength, all those things He is or can be for us and to us. Jesus is walking in the middle of our dark and troubled “waters” saying, “Do not be afraid, it is I. Come out unto me and meet me for I will be with you wherever you go.” Ahhhh! I mean what a picture right? That is why I love the Bible, God’s word so much….there is more to it than words on paper, more to it than stories of different people, there is so much more and God wants to show you. He says, “Call upon my name and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you haven’t known.” (Jer. 33:3).

What water’s surround you? Are they troubled or stormy? Are they quiet and stagnant? Jesus is walking out in the middle of them and you need but, “Be still and know HE IS GOD!”

I’m reminded of that song, “You’ve Been So Faithful”

            I can never repay You Lord for what You’ve done for me
            How You loosed my shackles and You set me free
            How You made a way out of no way
            Turned my darkness into day
            Been my joy in the time of sorrow
            Oh, for my tomorrow
            Peace in the time of the storm
            Strength when I’m weak and worn
            You’ve been – Oh, You’ve been so Faithful!!!

Oh Abba, no matter what the weather, You are my EVERYTHING right in the middle of my waters. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Love towards me. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where you go from there is up to you...

          In continuing my study in the book of Hebrews I have found myself hungering for more. I keep partaking of this Word and I’m finding myself yet still hungry. Have you ever eaten such a delicious meal that even when you are full you just can’t stop eating it? It’s like your stomach cannot contain anymore but your taste buds are watering at the remembrance of every bite, every taste, and every flavor. That is how I have been feeling about this book. At first, I just read it and it doesn’t always hit me with such power of intensity. Then I read it again in a different translation. Then I begin to study the different commentaries that explain the context of the said chapter. It translates me back to that era understanding why those things were stated and what the author meant by them. We have to remember that originally this book, the Bible, was not written in English. It was written in both Hebrew and Greek, and upon translation into an English language, we must dig deep to know the actual meaning behind certain words and phrases. I look back to a time when my understanding of the bible was ‘open it and read it’ and not really understand half of what it said or how it was supposed to pertain to me. I cannot imagine doing that now when I know HOW to study the scripture. How can you truly partake of the richness of the meat when you do not even have an understanding of the meat itself? It’s like a connoisseur of wine or coffee or food or dessert, someone who has studied the origin of something. Someone who has taken an interest, turned it into a passion, and really grasps the fullness of that thing and then compares them to a person trying it for the first time with no prior history or understanding of it. How can they fully appreciate all that is represents, all that makes it so exceptional, if they have no TRUE understanding of it? Do I make sense at all? Well why should it be any different for a Bible, a compilation of words, revelations, and prophecies, something that was written over the course of thousands of years? So many people take things out of context when they spout off a scripture. I mean did you look to see when it was written, what era, what was happening at that time that would have caused the author to say something? At first mention, this seems too tedious a task. I mean who would be drawn to read such a material with so much effort needing to go into it? At first for me, I felt this way. Ugh…I already don’t understand most of this Bible and now I have a whole process I need to go through in order to understand it! Turn off right? WRONG! Well, ok at first it was, but now it’s like breathing. I cannot just read it without digging in to know why or finding the meaning behind words I don’t know. How can this be for me, I must know. O taste and see that the LORD is good...” (Psalms 34:8). The bible is like a great mystery full of many secret passageways that need unlocking. It’s like a video game with many levels that even if you have played the full game and completed it (or read the entire bible), there are things that you missed or did not unlock because maybe you needed a certain amount of points or needed to unlock something else before you could even know about it. Why do you think games have “cheat codes”? Lol! I played a game on the xbox360 where I had defeated it 4x, but I still was unable to unlock everything. Every time I went back in from the very beginning I discovered more, happened upon something I hadn’t seen in prior times, gained new powers, opened up a secret door by accident that was hidden, stuff like that. The bible is just like that. The cool thing is the unlocking is endless because God is too vast for our mere human minds to fully comprehend. God wants to show us all of it…how much do we want to dig? How deep do we want to go? How much of ourselves are we willing to invest into this Bible? All you can do is start. I mean you can’t begin any other way than to just start. Where you go from there is up to you. I can guarantee you one thing though…the deeper you press in…the deeper you will go and the more your desire will grow.

Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What do you find when you dig deep?

          I was reading in Hebrews Ch. 1 during my study time and I was curious at its contents. I began reading the commentary from Albert Barnes on the chapter as a whole and was fascinated at a particular comment. The Chapter talks about the dignity and exalted nature of the Authorship of the Christian System – the Son of God, Jesus Christ. During that time the Christians were in great danger of relapsing back to the old Jewish ways under the Mosaic system instead of following along with the now Gospel and Christian system under Jesus Christ. This really caught my eye…I began to ponder this statement of “relapsing back to the old ways”.

          During the course of time God spoke through the prophets and through great leaders such as Moses, Abraham, Elijah, and so many more. However, when Christ came into the picture God now spoke through HIM. He is the living Word, He is the Son of God, He IS God. I started to put myself in the shoes and mind of the people of the day who were taught laws and rules and order and directed by the people who heard from God. Now everything they have known is seemingly changed and maybe that is a bit scary. I mean it is one thing when you have people who are hearing from God and directing, but the mere fact that God Himself, in the flesh, as Jesus the man, whom they could tangibly see, taking and heeding to His Word, which was the same, but supposedly hearing straight from the source…woah!
          I also began to look into my own life. What areas have I allowed myself to “relapse back to the old ways”? I follow Christ, His Word, His will, His purpose for my life. I daily put OFF the former things and put on HIM. I die to my flesh that I might live in Him. I know that I am not perfect and that without God my Father, without Jesus Christ my Savior, without the Holy Spirit connecting me to Him and guiding me in His perfect will, I AM NOTHING! If I know this than I know there are still areas in my life I haven’t fully surrendered to Him.

          Pastor Joseph spoke over the church on Sunday a word from God. He said God showed him that He wanted to do 2 things during this fast. He wanted to 1. Destroy all Rebellion in our lives, and 2. Release a Spirit of Holiness upon us. I want this!!! I want all things opposite of Him that still remain in my life to be destroyed. We all can be rebellious because we want to do things our own way. We are stubborn and there is no room for it if God is to do a full work in us. I want a Release of the Spirit of Holiness…I want to revere God in a stronger and deeper way having a greater revelation of His Holiness that I might also be made Holy and walk in Holiness. The scripture calls us to that life, a Holy life.
1Thes 4:7 “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.”
2Tim 1:9 “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,”
Heb 12:10 “For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.”
Heb 12:14 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”

          It’s time to be renewed and re-evaluate where we are in our lives. We need to make sure we are aligned with God in all areas and not relapsing back to old ways. Let’s move forward and trust in Him like we have not before. Let us go further than just believe He is God, but let us walk in Faith, putting our belief to Action through our works and surrendered life.

Daniel’s Fast Day 2…

Until the next time,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I have no one to blame but myself....

Man 2 posts in 1 day...this is craziness! Lol!

Well in lue of some recent happenings or Life-innings as earlier posted...I had to write! I have been working and working and working and working and trying to make this deadline...Thanks Hubby! Haha! Actually it's whenever I'm done, but he is kind of waiting on me so he can move forward. I aim to please!!!! I try anyways! Well as I also mentioned previously I have been a bit rebellious this week and not sure what I was thinking, but it has caught up with me and bit me in the....well many places....RASH!!!

I have No One to blame but myself for this one. Why did I think I could push the limits and test the waters I know I had no business going into in the first place? Gah!!! I ate a King Sized Reece's this afternoon while getting my work done. I was only supposed to have one but Jerry bought the big one and I warned him it would taunt me and I fell for its callings. It was SOOOOOO Yummy but now I'm sitting here itchy with a spreading rash...why??? Why did I do this to myself??? So Benadryl and the 1 1/2 steroid pills I had left and hopefully by the weekend I'm good!

Now without a shadow or inkling or anything else in the doubt area...I'm allergic to the said things...I get the message LOUD and clear. And the Fast is coming up starting Monday so even better. (We are doing a corporate all church 21 Day Daniel's Fast - if anyone wants to join in and have the corporate support backing you up...I urge you to try it and see where you are with God at the end).

On a brighter tired as I am I can remind myself to just get through tomorrow's early wake up routine because come Monday the kids have Fall Break. If anything I at least can sleep in past 6am so I'm pretty stoked about that!

Alright, that's all for now folks, just wanted to get my rant out before the nights end. No more complaints from me! I am strictly following my body's rules and onward forward march!

Loves, Hugs, & Nighty Night,

Life, and all that's in it......Life-innings...

Well Hey, Hi, and Hello!!!

I have been on a ride of emotions lately as my body has tried to regain balance from No meds. It's been almost a whole week (up until last night when I had to breakdown and take some Benadryl). I must also admit that during this week I have been slightly rebellious to my restricted diet and that's probably why the need for Benadryl...darn it! It's my own fault but OH HOW I ENJOYED EVERY REBELLIOUS BITE! I think I'll be done for a bit. Haha! I just refuse to be limited so extremely forever. I mean healing is healing and I'm believing I can walk in it more than just not experiencing ridiculous outbreaks. For now I probably need to continue being obedient to my body. Ugh, Fine!!! Lol!!!

Like I said though, emotions have been somewhat on the Crazy side this week. It has been a mixture of goods and not-so-goods but I'm still here and still standing on the Word for my life. I just think that Satan is trying really hard to bring me down in any area he can. Well let me just state right now...ALL FAILED ATTEMPTS...GIVE UP!!! Even when I feel like I'm swaying about with the chaos of the storms as they continue to blow all around me, I'm rooted in Jesus and I will not be shaken out of my foundation. You can bring the winds and the rains and the fire and still HE REMAINS STRONG IN ME!!! I will keep looking to Him and leaning on Him. I know the strength does not come from me so I don't really know why you are trying so hard. I mean, you tried with Job and well, YOU LOST that battle! I'm starting to think that your tired old ways are all you got! I mean, I may struggle and have a hard time dealing with things in my flesh but the moment....I said MO-MENT I look to God and give it to Him....well let's just say it's all over for you! SO JUST GIVE UP...Like I have said before...IN THE END YOU LOSE!!!!

Ok, done with that rant! Now on to other Life-enings....(happenings). Lol! I like making up new words!

I was walking with Camron and Jaeana to the playground this morning, as usual, and Big Brother was playing with Little Sister making her laugh. It was cute and as they walked in front of me holding hands I had to stop them and take a picture. You know, capturing the cute moments. Of course Jae wasn't content to stay turned away from me and as the picture snapped it was a capturing of her little princess! :)

My little ones bring smiles (and other things) to my face...haha! I love the Brother - Sister love! At least someone gets it...Camron will let me sneak a hug in real quick each morning now, but only if I ask, and always with an "Oh gosh Mom" look on his face. Lol! That's fine...keep the look...I get my hug!!! Ha!

In other news....I have discovered I can eat Trix Cereal. It contains No wheat, soy, or milk, which is in most every cereal available. I made myself and Jerry breakfast this morning. Eggs with Beans and a little Pepperoni on an Organic Corn Tortilla that was free of Soy for me and mixed with cheese on a flour tortilla for Jerry. Yum! But I was missing a sweetness that coffee wasn't going to hit. I scoured the pantry, as I do all the time, hoping to come across something I can have or even compromise a little on. That's when I found the's been in my cabinet for a couple weeks and I have even given it to the kids. I could have sworn I checked the labels before and couldn't have it but I was wrong. Don't tell me God doesn't cover all...because He always provides for me even the small areas. He shows me His love even in Cereal! Lol!!!

Among other things...all my Life-innings...I have been working hard surrounded by papers and Excel and loaded with Coffee....I am helping Jerry get some things done for his website that is a bit more than time consuming but I am enjoying that I can be helpful...I don't have to talk to anyone on the phone so I'm sold on helping! LOL! (I don't like talking on the phone, making calls, customer service, etc.) I can do the face to face interaction but the phones...please just don't ask me! Lol! Today I was more than tired, as were my kiddos. Every night this week has been an extra late night for's been a BUSY week. Plus adding the Benadryl I took last night only added to my tiredness. I contemplated going back to sleep once I got home from dropping off the kids, but because I don't just drop them off, I actually get out of the car and stay with them until the bell rings, it kind of wakes me up. I just made a good ol' cup o joe and got busy. I figured once I felt the "nap" coming on I would just go take one! Lol! It's noon and I haven't felt the "nap" yet but definitely felt the "please eat your shaking from coffee" feeling..haha! That was my break and I haven't yet come back to my work. I figured now was a good time to blog so here I am.

Hmmm...yeah work I think I will get back to you later and catch a little nap or at least some lay down time before I have to get the kids and begin the next phase of my Life-innings!

Later everyone...enjoy the rest of your Thursday....may it all of a sudden become Fabulously Awesome!!!!
Loves & Hugs,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Post #60...let's celebrate with LOVE...

My thoughts from earlier but just now having time to post it...enjoy! :)

What Love IS or What IS Love?                                                                                     October 2, 2010

Love. A great mystery, a word everyone spends a lifetime trying to grasp the fullness of. Love, what IS Love? We ask it, we answer it in our own way, we search the definition given by man, we search the bible. Who can answer such a word as LOVE? In all its greatness, in all its simplicity. What defines it, how can it be accurately captured? Who possesses such a pure form of such a rich word. Love. We want it, we want to feel it, we want to give it, we want to touch it, we want to embrace its very essence. Can depth, or height, or volume measure it? How than do we know it or understand it. LOVE. We look for what Love IS, but we fail to look for what IS Love…

1Corinthians 13:4-8 “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant. It isn't rude. It doesn't think about itself. It isn't irritable. It doesn't keep track of wrongs. It isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the truth. Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never stops hoping, never gives up. Love never comes to an end…”

We see what Love IS…so poetically defined. Search the scriptures on Love and find it everywhere. There are different kinds of Love that describe different facets in life. Still does that answer the seemingly bigger question…What IS Love? Are these two questions really one in the same or are there meanings vastly separate?

Love. Love. Love.

The answer is quite simple, however it will take you longer than a lifetime to fully understand its meaning. What can be so simple yet so complex? Love.

God IS Love. Do you know this Sunday School Scripture quoted so familiarly among many?

1John 4:7-12 “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

So simply put…God IS Love and it IS His Love for us that IS Love. If we desire to know Love, than we are to know God, and in our knowing His Love IS perfected in us, that we might Love as Love IS.