Man 2 posts in 1 day...this is craziness! Lol!
Well in lue of some recent happenings or Life-innings as earlier posted...I had to write! I have been working and working and working and working and trying to make this deadline...Thanks Hubby! Haha! Actually it's whenever I'm done, but he is kind of waiting on me so he can move forward. I aim to please!!!! I try anyways! Well as I also mentioned previously I have been a bit rebellious this week and not sure what I was thinking, but it has caught up with me and bit me in the....well many places....RASH!!!
I have No One to blame but myself for this one. Why did I think I could push the limits and test the waters I know I had no business going into in the first place? Gah!!! I ate a King Sized Reece's this afternoon while getting my work done. I was only supposed to have one but Jerry bought the big one and I warned him it would taunt me and I fell for its callings. It was SOOOOOO Yummy but now I'm sitting here itchy with a spreading rash...why??? Why did I do this to myself??? So Benadryl and the 1 1/2 steroid pills I had left and hopefully by the weekend I'm good!
Now without a shadow or inkling or anything else in the doubt area...I'm allergic to the said things...I get the message LOUD and clear. And the Fast is coming up starting Monday so even better. (We are doing a corporate all church 21 Day Daniel's Fast - if anyone wants to join in and have the corporate support backing you up...I urge you to try it and see where you are with God at the end).
On a brighter tired as I am I can remind myself to just get through tomorrow's early wake up routine because come Monday the kids have Fall Break. If anything I at least can sleep in past 6am so I'm pretty stoked about that!
Alright, that's all for now folks, just wanted to get my rant out before the nights end. No more complaints from me! I am strictly following my body's rules and onward forward march!
Loves, Hugs, & Nighty Night,
omg ma'am that sucks...hopefully you learned your lesson because even i warned you not to be eating things your allergic strong HAHA
ReplyDeleteugh! hahaha i know i did learn my lesson, unfortunately the hard way cuz of my! I'll listen from here on out!