I have been on a ride of emotions lately as my body has tried to regain balance from No meds. It's been almost a whole week (up until last night when I had to breakdown and take some Benadryl). I must also admit that during this week I have been slightly rebellious to my restricted diet and that's probably why the need for Benadryl...darn it! It's my own fault but OH HOW I ENJOYED EVERY REBELLIOUS BITE! I think I'll be done for a bit. Haha! I just refuse to be limited so extremely forever. I mean healing is healing and I'm believing I can walk in it more than just not experiencing ridiculous outbreaks. For now I probably need to continue being obedient to my body. Ugh, Fine!!! Lol!!!
Like I said though, emotions have been somewhat on the Crazy side this week. It has been a mixture of goods and not-so-goods but I'm still here and still standing on the Word for my life. I just think that Satan is trying really hard to bring me down in any area he can. Well let me just state right now...ALL FAILED ATTEMPTS...GIVE UP!!! Even when I feel like I'm swaying about with the chaos of the storms as they continue to blow all around me, I'm rooted in Jesus and I will not be shaken out of my foundation. You can bring the winds and the rains and the fire and still HE REMAINS STRONG IN ME!!! I will keep looking to Him and leaning on Him. I know the strength does not come from me so I don't really know why you are trying so hard. I mean, you tried with Job and well, YOU LOST that battle! I'm starting to think that your tired old ways are all you got! I mean, I may struggle and have a hard time dealing with things in my flesh but the moment....I said MO-MENT I look to God and give it to Him....well let's just say it's all over for you! SO JUST GIVE UP...Like I have said before...IN THE END YOU LOSE!!!!
Ok, done with that rant! Now on to other Life-enings....(happenings). Lol! I like making up new words!
I was walking with Camron and Jaeana to the playground this morning, as usual, and Big Brother was playing with Little Sister making her laugh. It was cute and as they walked in front of me holding hands I had to stop them and take a picture. You know, capturing the cute moments. Of course Jae wasn't content to stay turned away from me and as the picture snapped it was a capturing of her face...my little princess! :)

My little ones bring smiles (and other things) to my face...haha! I love the Brother - Sister love! At least someone gets it...Camron will let me sneak a hug in real quick each morning now, but only if I ask, and always with an "Oh gosh Mom" look on his face. Lol! That's fine...keep the look...I get my hug!!! Ha!
In other news....I have discovered I can eat Trix Cereal. It contains No wheat, soy, or milk, which is in most every cereal available. I made myself and Jerry breakfast this morning. Eggs with Beans and a little Pepperoni on an Organic Corn Tortilla that was free of Soy for me and mixed with cheese on a flour tortilla for Jerry. Yum! But I was missing a sweetness that coffee wasn't going to hit. I scoured the pantry, as I do all the time, hoping to come across something I can have or even compromise a little on. That's when I found the Trix....it's been in my cabinet for a couple weeks and I have even given it to the kids. I could have sworn I checked the labels before and couldn't have it but I was wrong. Don't tell me God doesn't cover all...because He always provides for me even the small areas. He shows me His love even in Cereal! Lol!!!
Among other things...all my Life-innings...I have been working hard surrounded by papers and Excel and loaded with Coffee....I am helping Jerry get some things done for his website that is a bit more than time consuming but I am enjoying that I can be helpful...I don't have to talk to anyone on the phone so I'm sold on helping! LOL! (I don't like talking on the phone, making calls, customer service, etc.) I can do the face to face interaction but the phones...please just don't ask me! Lol! Today I was more than tired, as were my kiddos. Every night this week has been an extra late night for everyone...it's been a BUSY week. Plus adding the Benadryl I took last night only added to my tiredness. I contemplated going back to sleep once I got home from dropping off the kids, but because I don't just drop them off, I actually get out of the car and stay with them until the bell rings, it kind of wakes me up. I just made a good ol' cup o joe and got busy. I figured once I felt the "nap" coming on I would just go take one! Lol! It's noon and I haven't felt the "nap" yet but definitely felt the "please eat your shaking from coffee" feeling..haha! That was my break and I haven't yet come back to my work. I figured now was a good time to blog so here I am.
Hmmm...yeah work I think I will get back to you later and catch a little nap or at least some lay down time before I have to get the kids and begin the next phase of my Life-innings!
Later everyone...enjoy the rest of your Thursday....may it all of a sudden become Fabulously Awesome!!!!
Loves & Hugs,
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