Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little something...

Everyone coins the phrase..."New Year, New You!" and it is common to see churches call for a corporate All Church beginning of the Year Fast. Its like the First-Fruits of Fasting if you will. We are making a deposit on the whole year and starting it off by consecrating ourselves to God. I have noticed how more people are becoming dissatisfied with the one fast and either add to it or modify it to fit what God is speaking to them about personally. This is awesome...the Body desires closeness with God...BUT it's not enough. A revelation of it has hit me and as I began speaking about it with my friend who is starting a liquids fast, God gave me a word for her. Then we talked some more and this is what God showed me:

Fasting can become like a mantra...a repetition instead of the depth in which its measured. I think the body has become desensitized to Fasting. Its something we do corporately and we do get closer to God, but do we Fast like Jesus fasted? What about Moses? Elijah? Isaac? Abraham? Jacob? Do we fast as those before us fasted? How did Enoch get so close to God to be taken before his time just to be closer to God? How did Abraham trust God so as to see beyond what we look at when we read his story. His picture of it had to be different then ours. How did David have Gods heart? Even in his ugly, wicked, behaivors he recognized God on a level different from us. How do we meet God like that? How do we see Him more? If fasting is like a key to opening the door to God and in our carnal nature we cannot fully know him...how do we press more deeply into the spirit to know God differently? We so easily set Him inside a box and limit His access in our lives because of our own barriers and limitations of belief, faith, trust, and the ability to receive. How do you reach then more and keep going? How do you stretch farther than your arms can reach???? Meditate on that for a bit and let God minister to your spirit. He is the living water that flows within...what rivers are open to his movement and what dams do you still have built up around your heart and mind? 

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