Monday, May 10, 2010

Dizzy much...?

Round and round and round we go...You ever feel like your spinning in circles? You know, like how kids spin around and around and when they stop they get so dizzy that when they try to walk they end up just falling and crumbling to the ground. Then they lay there while their eyes are moving and trying to adjust to a normal, non-dizzy speed. Do you know this feeling? Well, I not only know this feeling, from actually doing this with my kids, and probably as a kid, but I know this feeling as a metaphor in my life.

Sometimes we are running, running, this way and that way...we could be on the right path, doing all those things we are supposed to be doing, having to be doing, everything...then all of a sudden something just cracks! You have been trying to hold it all together in the midst of sheer chaos, not really having the luxury or choice to just walk away from it, and then boom...before you realize it, you have become dizzy and crumbled to the ground and now you are laying there on the ground waiting for your eyes to adjust and the dizzy feeling to subside. You are left with an after feeling of "how the heck did this just happen"...

For me, once that "dizzy" feeling subsides and my focus has become clearer, I am hit with the realization that somewhere along the way I shifted from relying on God's strength to relying on my own. It's at the moment when you begin to's like a System Overload.

There are so many things that I can use too, as an example or reference point when describing an experience. For instance, the many correlations and comparisons in there...but I will pick just one. Neo has just been "awakened" to "reality"...his body has begun to heal and is adjusting or readjusting to this life. He is meeting all the people on board the ship and he is introduced to his "training session". He sits in the chair and in goes the plug.....gfkgkdfgkasfhjalfhweiygqiehiowqtrutqwpifyh....that was the weird computer glyche sound that is made as tons of info was just downloaded into his brain. His body had jerked back as if in agony and it went with the screeching sound. Then he was ready for more...right now I feel just like that!! God has been pouring into me so much, but I haven't yet arrived at the part of the movie where I have learned Kung Fu and am ready to fight Morphius. I am still being downloaded into...

I have two angles to this... ONE: God has been pouring so many things into me...words, messages, revelations, challenges, much! If I pour out too soon than just like Neo...I will fall and hit the cement and come out of my chair with a bloody mouth. I have to wait for the SOUP to finish cooking before I serve it! LOL! But I am a boiling pot of yielding flavors and ingredients just anticipating the moment when I have reached max boil and everything comes together into a yummy goodness. Then TWO: God is adding, and adding, and...........adding, to my plate. Like Neo I must grasp so much in such a short amount of time. I have been "ASLEEP" for so long to the "TRUTH" and now that I am "AWAKENED" I need to be brought up to speed to all that has gone on and is going on now.

How many of us are still asleep or are just being awakened to the truth, reality as it is, not as we knew it to be? The key in all of this is to realize that we alone, on our own, by our own strength CAN NOT do anything...not anything Kingdom Related. We will fail every time WE TRY! Why do we always try? We know God is our strength, but yet we forget and think we are stronger...what?!?!?!

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