Monday, September 26, 2011

I Slept in the Cave...

Have you ever heard the saying as a child, perhaps included in your night time ritual..."Sleep Tight and Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!"? I heard this often and yet had never seen a bedbug or knew anyone who did. I didn't even question it. Just thought it to be one of those rhyming sayings. After experiencing Bed Bugs FIRST HAND...I may be coming to greatly appreciate that little prayer and declaration...Maybe as a family we should say it every night! LOL!

But really, how can you avoid letting them bite you? How do you stop a creepy, crawly, disgusting, blood-sucking creature from sneaking into your covers and having a nibble at your warm blood? The saying said..."DON'T LET the Bed Bugs Bite!" Is the answer found in the "Sleep Tight" part? Are you to wear tight clothes, close the blankets around you tightly...none of which would stop a bug who makes its home in cracks and crevices so small you can barely notice they are there, except the remnant they leave behind. What's the answer then? Maybe "Sleeping Tight" means sleeping cautiously, making sure the perimeter around you is up...your Hedge of Protection perhaps? Maybe praying for God to be that protection for you is key! However, whichever method of "tightness" you choose...the end all is you Must Still Sleep.

I think again of David, during the times he had to sleep in the caves. He had to sleep at some point. You cannot successfully guard yourself against the enemy if you are sleep deprived. You will definitely experience sleep deprivation, but again at some point YOU MUST SLEEP!

It's a bit perplexing to think of Sleeping in a time like that...the battle is upon you, the enemy is at your door step, you are so vulnerable to an attack, and you are supposed to sleep??? Who can sleep? Again, YOU MUST SLEEP! So, if you must, then how? Like Nike of course....JUST DO IT! Hahaha! It's called trusting in the Lord...

If this isn't Trust, I don't know what else is. Have you ever played that trust game where you must stand still, close your eyes, and fall into your neighbors hands? Yeah, I never would do it....I do not trust anyone to catch me...I just can't do it. Amazing though, how I am in that situation now, despite my best efforts to avoid it. I MUST TRUST God to safely catch me as I fall into His arms!

Last night I did just that! I fell into the arms of Jesus, as I slept on a real bed instead of the couch. I killed 3 bed bugs beforehand...yet I still slept. Jesus did not fail me...Best sleep I have had in 2 weeks!!!

The battle is not over...but Victory is beginning to brightly shine over the horizon!

Thank You Lord for being My Everything!!!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome pal. Only the toughest of warriors can do this...
