Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Up Is the Direction I'm Going...

Sometimes it seems like I have been talking about the same thing over and over again.When you are facing something, THAT something tends to be your focus. For me the focus has been "The Battle". If we break that down further we see the many parts or lessons being learned. 

*Realizing You're in a Battle 
*Learning to Live on the Battlefield
*Entering the Enemy's Camps
*Retreating Is Not An Option
*Dwelling in the Caves Means Sleeping in the Caves 
*Guarding Your Gates 
*Reclaiming Your Territory

There are a wide variety of lessons here all which are preparation for something greater. The end all is we are all in a battle and we better dang well get used to it. Last night another realization or revelation hit me...remember I am still 'fighting' in this battle...God clearly spoke and said, "Don't you see? I have been delivering the enemy into your hands one by one!" Can I just say, OH MY GOSH!!!! Every time I feel like I'm done and can't take anymore, God comes in and shows me something else. He let's me go til I pop, or almost pop, and then He is comes in just in time saying, "Here ya go! Here is another little nugget for you to chew on! Here is another moment to breathe. Here is another reprieve before the next battle". However what I have failed to see was that every encounter with the enemy was really God delivering them into my hands. Here I am complaining because I am still fighting and He is trying to show me HOW I have the Victory in Him! When you are smack in the middle of the battle is when you see yourself for who you really are...WEAK and not so much STRONG. Sure it's easy to be strong and encouraging for someone else in their own battle, but when it's your battle, your fight, your fears, your shortcomings, that's a different story. How Bi-Polar is that? Oh I'm sorry, did you think you were perfect? Maybe you are..or maybe you have never fought in the battle and you can take your "No-It-All" self and go! Go, really...I'm serious...GO! Straight into the battlefield. Stay there for a bit! We will see what you your language sounds like then! Mm hmmmm! Lol! 

I have some researching to do now about this new perception of God delivering the enemy into my hand. It's so biblical! It's so right on! I'm excited and thankful for this new found revelation nugget God has given me. I mean, God could have just thrown me into this scenario and left me there to just figure it out on my own and see if I come out alive. Don't tribes do that with the older boys to prove their manhood. If they make it out in the wilderness or mountains or wherever alone then they are truly a man and are welcomed back as having earned their honor. BUT GOD, MY GOD!!!! He said He would never leave me or forsake me. He said He would always be with me. He said He would protect me.He may lead me out to the wilderness, down through the valley, or up into the mountain. I may encounter the enemy, I may learn to walk without fear, I may be stretched to stretchy-stretchyness, but Victory is the end of the Journey. VICTORY, SWEET VICTORY!

I'll be back with more and I'm bringing my be ready! 

Loves and Hugs, 

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