I have been studying the scriptures, looking at the lives and examples of these people God saw fit to tell me about. What I have come to understand and really sink my mind into is how God covered every possible experience I have had and will ever have. As I come to Him, confused by things I face in life, He points me to His word and begins to show me how I can overcome. You see, God called me to be an Overcomer! With every obstacle that stands in my way there is an example of someone who also faced an obstacle and overcame.
I have often looked at myself as someone who has to go First. God has me walk through circumstances, that produce experiences, that train, equip, and grow me, allowing me to be an example for others of How To Overcome. By experiencing First Hand certain situations, I am then able to articulate a message God is trying to show His people. I "Get It" and then show you so you will "Get It". This is all a part of God's call on my life to be an "Awakener" of His people. Someone has to go first before they can take anyone else anywhere. You cannot lead people where you yourself have never been. That does not disqualify a leader from having to trust solely on God WHILE leading, but rather proves the responsibility and mandate leaders must carry in order to be effective.
Jesus Christ is a perfect example of a leader who went First. He is the Ultimate Leader! His life depicts that of a man who can honestly sympathize and empathize with everything we could possibly ever face. He suffered, He loved, He laughed, He cried, He lived, He died, and He OVERCAME unto eternal life. Within His short 33 years on this earth, He covered EVERYTHING so He could show US how to OVERCOME! God, in His graciousness, humbled Himself from His exalted position to that of a man of flesh, just so He could tell you, "I went through that and here I stand. Follow me and I will show you how to go through and overcome and stand with me on the other side." WOW!!!!!
Not only did God give us Jesus, but He equipped us with tools, examples, testimonies of other people who Experienced Life and through the power of God, Overcame. Mistakes were made, tempers were lost, melt downs and break downs happened, lives were taken, hope seemed a forged memory, and suffering proceeded with each generation, BUT IN THE END GOD HAS THE GLORY! I can look at the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah, Job, Esther, Anna, Simeon, Peter, and Paul, among countless others. I can see what they experienced, the feelings they had, the anxieties, the pressures, the doubts, the fears, I see it all. What stands out ABOVE all of that is GOD, His hand, His mercy, His love, His peace, His joy, His nature, His character, His compassion, His fire, HIM! He stands out above all of it. He provides a message of hope that if I stick in the game, if I keep trusting in Him especially when my senses scream Run, that He WILL have the Victory in my life.
Why would I believe anything else? It's all over and throughout this Book! It's hidden within lines, translations, and words. Even when I get inspired by something, God throws another inspiration in there like He had a special secret tucked away just to wow me with later. THAT right there is LOVE!!!!
I join with all the people who went FIRST! I sit among them. They went first for me and I will go first for you so that you can go first and the Kingdom of God will prevail!!! In Jesus Name...AMEN!
Loves and Hugs Peeps...Hope you got inspired!
"Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." (1Cor 1:3; Phil 1:2)
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