(Call me a slacker...I have struggled to find balance for about a week now, but I'm getting back on track so here it goes...)
Have you ever encountered that feeling of wanting to give up? This is something I have hit on before, but adding in a fresh perspective. The feeling usually arises when we feel overwhelmed by what's around us. This can be life, this can be ministry, this can be anything. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and the rest of us struggle to hold on before being blown away or crushed under the pressure. The thing is though, what are we running away from exacty? Are we Running away from responsibility, commitments, pressures, life? To run away is simply to give up on a thing. If we are giving up What is it, or better Who is it we are giving up on?
Could it be that all this time we thought our feelings created a desire to run away from or give up on WHAT was causing us to feel overwhelmed.? If it's ministry, then we want to step away or "step down" as so many call it, lessen responsibility, pull back from what we give ourselves to and how much of ourselves we give. If it's life, well maybe we give up on living it one way and decide to live it another, or maybe it's more serious and we just want to give up all together and cease to exist.
What if it wasn't the WHAT, but the WHO? What if the underlying truth to the desire to run or give up was really directed towards God? Is it possible that what we are really saying, but rarely admitt to is that we Give Up On God because we don't like what we are seeing and feeling? Everything in us tells us to book it and high tail it outta here as fast as possible, but that is only because we are convinced we are running from the thing. Surely God meant for us to move forward right?
No, we run and give up because we stop believing God to be God. We doubt and fear and cannot control a dang thing! We feel more than uncomfortable, overstretched, overworked, stressed out, on the verge of some mental breakdown or mental exhaustion or emotional fatigue...(hehe these words are making me laugh, but this is serious here!)
"Issac new the same God who was leading him had also led his father Abraham (Gen. 26:24). Jacob realized his God was also the 'God of Abraham and Issac' (Gen 35:12). Joseph understood that God's activity in his life was building upon what God had already done through his forefathers "Abraham, Issac, and Jacob" (Gen. 48:15). When God commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites, Moses did not assume God was just beginning to implement his plan (Exo. 3:15). When Moses prepared his people to finally enter the Promised Land, he recalled with them all that God had done for them over the previous years...Whenever Paul explained why he was leading his people the way he was, he reviewed the story of how God had worked in his life (Acts 22:1-21; 24:10-21; 26:1-23)."
The key here is Learning to Just Believe God to be God...that's it! Why do you think God repeated throughout the scripture that saying about being "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"? It wasn't a cool way to say His name. It was a reminder for His people, for us today that no matter what is going on around us God is still God. He was God to Abraham and He is God to You! He showed Himself faithful and remains faithful still. He is God! We either believe He is or we don't. We can't change our minds according to our feelings. We must change our feelings according to God!
Love ya all,
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