I have Butterflies in my tummy...LOL! I think it's more anticipation than nervousness but this fluttering is lingering! It's kind of a funny bone type of tickle...not so much a giggly tickle but a weird uncomfortable and uncontrollable feeling.
I am in such anticipation for all the "new" that God is bringing forth. This week has challenged me in a very "new" way and has presented an opportunity for me to grow in my relationship with God. I am learning a total of 6 "new" songs this week, 3 of them at Youth and 3 of them at Main. They are all songs I am hearing and learning for the first time. Whether I am leading a song or just singing with the team, worship is very serious to me. Worship is a lifestyle not just something I do. It's my calling! I am called to be a Worshipper, and a Worship Leader. Worship, simply put is my connection with God. I have many different expressions of worship that I use to connect and reverence the Lord. I worship through singing a song, singing prophetically, praying, writing, dancing(but only to myself-for now), speaking, teaching, etc. Everything I do comes back to worship...OK not everything but I try to have it be most things. Worship is my life! It is what I live for...to Worship the Lord God! To honor and reverence Him, giving Him the glory due unto His name.
So, because of all the "new" with songs and direction, and being propelled forward at an extremely fast pace, I am left with the BUTTERFLY TICKLES! :)
With Great Expectancy I await tonight's Radiant YOUTH Night. I know God is going to show up and bring His presence into that place as we pray and sing and dance and worship Him. We are at 14 services since our launch in January. It's remarkable to look at all that God has done in really that short 3 months, and all He is going to do as we keep moving forward. Amazingly, since the first service until now, we average about 40-60 Youth. That blows me away, and we are still growing. We are considering moving into the sanctuary soon instead of the Fellowship/Chapel Room we are in now. We can barely fit in their anymore. Worship needs more and more room as my Youthers open up to the presence of God. All I can really say is WOW God, You are awesome!
The 3 keys to fulfillment of the vision is to:
1st- Never Loose Sight of the Vision
(constantly reevaluate where you are and what you are doing and don't soon forget why you are doing it...bring it back to what God gave you!)
2nd- Make sure the people agree with, believe in, and can carry out the Vision
(If your team does not believe in and agree with the vision than how can they carry it out. If this truly is a vision from God and those who are called to help it come to fruition than even in your absence they should be able to carry it out...it's God's vision first!)
3rd- Never Settle For BUT Always Expect More!
(Never get to the place where you are satisfied with where you are, not even in just one area, always be open, welcoming, and expecting of More that God will do, take the box, the limits off!)
Alright, that is my shhppeeeal for the day...LOL! This is to be continued after an amazing night...
Loves and Hugs,
Christina :)
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