"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
(Psalms 119:105)
I found this quote that said, "We don't walk spiritually by electric light, but by a hand-held lantern. And a lantern shows only the next step --- not several steps ahead".
This really got me thinking...
We often, as a society of people, look for the "quickest, easiest, way" to do something. It is proven in every gadget we ever create or even the technology we use. We want everything to be ready for us instead of us waiting for something. We want fast money, fast food (at restaurants), fast services, fast Internet...we get impatient in waiting but we also expect the best quality in the fastness...lol!
So, I was thinking about how electricity...love it by the way...is one of those "easier" ways of enjoying something natural. Before electricity or light, we would only be able to utilize the natural light and that meant waking up at dawn to have time to get all the work done before dusk. But with electricity we go to bed whenever and wake up whenever...
(On another note: There is evidence pointing to people in earlier years having a much wider spectrum of vision from ultra-violet to infra-red and that the whole theory of us getting smarter with advancements in technology is completely inaccurate and we are actually getting less smart...not calling anyone stupid...just saying that we are not advancing as though it may appear. Evolution and its ridiculous thought that we are evolving when we are really devolving is so false. Even Darwin himself completely recants his theory but they won't tell you that...before he died he said he was wrong and that He believed God to be the creator...if you take ARMOUR BEARERS Level One you could learn all these controversies and conspiracies and how the bible proves them all wrong and that their is evidence out there that is so stuffed and hidden so as to keep us in the dark that really always points back to the bible that our society and government is trying to take away...OK I'm done with that side-note for now...take Armour Bearers, the next semester starts in September/October...)
Anyhoo...my point for this whole post today was that we need to stop going towards the easier things and go towards the more natural things that are the key to our spiritual walk. Now I am not saying go be a super "Green", "all-natural" "eco-friendly" extra over the top type of person, not that trying to save the earth is wrong but that isn't my point. But knowing that God does things purposefully...a lantern--using a natural light source---fire--shows us our next step. It keeps our focus on that step so that we can fulfill that step. Knowing everything in advance, however much we think we need that, would only have us getting in the way with our own thoughts, ideas, and strategies, and not relying on God. It's that need for control thing we have issue with and why we have a hard time fully trusting God to be in control. We are in the woods surrounded by trees trying to find the best way out and we go this way and that...all God is saying is trust me because I have the aerial view and can see all entry and exit points and I can see what dangers lie ahead at each corner. If we trusted him to guide us by His word, which is his voice, than step by step He would direct us out and into fulfillment of our purpose and destiny with Him.
I so easily go off track from the original point because there are so many things connected...like a big tree with branches that have branches that have branches...I must remember where the main part of the tree is! LOL!
Hopefully you were encouraged or stirred up in some way...
Loves & Hugs,
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