So today as I sat at Cedric's basketball game my mind was going (as usual). I feel so young in comparison to most of the parents that have 10+year old kids. It's probably the only time I feel young. I usually feel old as I get closer to 30. Now to you that may not be old but I have been doing this since 16 so I am like 10years up in the game...haha! Ok, back on track...
Anyhoo, I was watching all the parents and I think, man they always seem so happy and more patient than I am...I started thinking about people who relax with a nice "drink" and most of the parents of the team do drink. Is this the key, the answer to looking like a calm, happy, super patient parent? I don't drink and I was thinking about how cool it is that I have My God to rely on and go to for a lasting peace, comfort, joy, strength, whatever I need. That is much more fulfilling than a temporary drink that only masks the feelings and doesn't take them from you. But then that made me think about how we often DON'T go to God but go to other things instead...drinks, entertainment, food, shopping, coffee...oooh I love me some coffee....yum-o!!!!
As God's people we have HIM! We need to start going to Him first...if we did this more often than we wouldn't feel the need to run to things as much because as your relationship grows with God, you transform from thinking with the mind of your flesh and you begin seeing from His perspective and aligning your thoughts with His. You don't see things as you do now but your heart, your mind, everything in you changes....that sounds like a better, more lasting deal than a temporary fix that you can easily get in the world. Even cooler...with God it's free because Jesus already paid the price...
Just my thoughts...
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