Calling all people...calling all people!!! God is calling forth a people who will Rise Up! He is calling the Church to Rise Up!
My heart has been filled today with many things. I feel stirred in my Spirit! I am vibrant with anticipation!(weird word choice? I know) Have you ever felt excited for a kid waiting for their birthday or something? Well deep down, somewhere in the pit of me, I have this feeling welling up inside like I am waiting for God to do this super awesome, amazing thing! I know He always does super awesome, amazing things, but this is different, this feels different. I try and always have "Great Expectation" for God to show up and meet me, meet His people, and fill us with His presence, surround us with His Goodness. I never want to put a box around God, what He is doing or going to do, and how He is going to do it. This actually takes effort!!! Our carnal minds so easily want to put everything into a neat little compartment that we can store away and label as this or that. Lord, please help me to get rid of, get out of THE BOX! No more limits, no more boundaries, no more labels, no more BOXES that define who God is. How can we, with our insignificant selves, (compared to God that is) presume to really "know" God? Our life is a journey of "Knowing Him"!!! Well, it should be. To KNOW God more, to KNOW His heart, to KNOW His character, to KNOW Him intimately in our lives, to KNOW Him in every sense of the word KNOW.
In the Bible, when talking about two people coming together in a union of marriage that they would then "know" each other. Now that isn't a cover word for sex, although when getting married, well, you hopefully will be having sex...but it means on all levels to "Know" that person. You know all about them in every way - spirit, soul, body, and mind...the ultimate being ONE with someone...and are we not to be ONE with God as we are ONE-Flesh with our spouse?
(((It's funny...this is not my original direction but things just flow out sometimes...)))
God is calling us to KNOW Him and to Rise Up In Him!!! Where are the True Worshippers as spoken about in John 4:23? Where is the last day "Church-the body and Bride of Christ"? Where are the "Chosen Generation", the "Peculiar People", the "Royal Priesthood"? Where are YOU!?!?!
God is calling us to come forth and rise up in Him, so that we may move forward in fulfillment of our calling according to His purpose. Don't we get it? God is "CALLING" us because we all have been "CALLED"! We all have a purpose, a destiny, a plan that God has laid out for us as our Father and through Jesus and His Blood we have become joint-heirs with Him and can boldly, with authority, walk in ALL that God has!!!
Don't you want that? I sure do! God is stirring up a WORD in me that will come forth soon...we must prepare ourselves...we must prepare the way for the soon coming King of Kings - JESUS...but we must prepare ourselves - the Church - God's people - as the Bride of Christ. He is coming back for us...that word will come soon..
I wanted to share a poem I wrote a month ago and then finished yesterday. I wasn't purposing to write any poem but like my words, I just get things and have to write them down. For me it is a constant in pouring from God and outpouring for myself and God's people...and ever-overflowing-cup...a well...a the bible says we are filled with the living water...water with Life...God's Life pouring into us and overflowing out! Continual! Aaaahhhhhhhh! I love God so!
So here is my poem. Hope you enjoy it! It's nothing super fancy just a small outpouring from my heart. Funny thing also is that I don't consider myself a "poem writer" but God has a way of helping me to see who I am and then I begin accepting more things...I am a Writer, I am a Worship Leader, I am a Youth Pastor, I am a Teacher, I am an Exhorter, I am a Mommy, I am a Wife, I am a Creative in arts, I am a Prophetic Worshipper, I am a Coffee shop Cafe Owner, I am a Candle Make, I am many things...and although none of these things DEFINE me as a person, because I refuse to be put in a box...They are very much a huge part of me and a part of the inpouring outpouring process...My list keeps growing and rightly so because God promises INCREASE and in Him I am MORE THAN....which means there is always more and from a God who is always faithful to fulfill His promise even if we don't see it...Abraham did not see the manifestation or fulfillment of God's promise but we see it today as we are a part of that Promise. Ok, so I better stop I could probably pour all day! :) Hopefully in my pouring you were blessed!
Loves, Hugs, and Enjoy Life!
Our Yesterday's do not have to affect our today's because we move forward with purpose being raised up in Christ as new creatures, forgiven, restored, and walking in alignment with God's will so as to fulfill our mandated vision that God has called us to according to His purpose! Awaken, Arise, and Move Forward with HIM!!! :)
I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead
I was once bound by sin but now sin is dead
My life is now free, no more chains holding me
I live in the One who brings peace
I have my release
Jesus has come, to set the captives free
I have found Him won't you come follow me
Follow me as I follow Christ
In Him you can find new life
Free from the pain, free from the hurt, free to rejoice, free in His court
Jesus has come to set the captives free, Jesus has come He lives in you and me
Now moving forward, Moving ahead, never looking back, among the living not the dead
I once was blind but now I can see
I live in Jesus and He lives in me!
I am free to worship, I am free to praise
I have new life and new purpose
In Him I was made
I can speak through my singing, my writing, and more
But I give Him all the Glory, He's what I do this for
He's the reason for my worship, the reason for my praise, the reason I'm even in this whole race
A race to the end, victory is sure
Victory in Him means life evermore
So on I go, moving ahead
Not looking back but looking to Him instead
Fulfillment in my calling, my destiny is set
I rejoice cause He's returning, He's not finished with us yet
Keep pressing on, don't give up or give in
Move forward with purpose, move forward with Him.
I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead!"
awwwee christina i love what pours out of from your heart...i love what God is doing with you. hes always pushing,stretching,and pulling anything New he can find inside of you. i see you growing alot even with your writing...... and loved your poem. your words encourage me alot. thats why i love having conversations with you. i love hearing what you have to say all the time lol... keep doing what you doing. keep moving forward in God and he will lead you to your destiny and fulfill the vision that you have.
ReplyDeleteThanks my CocoBeanPuff...I love you much and am so glad to have you in my life and by my side...