Monday, November 22, 2010

A piece or something...

I was reading in Habakkuk and I came across the end of this verse. All of what I was reading was hitting me as I felt the Holy Spirit stirring in me, but when I saw this I knew it was time to write and study and dwell. Hab. 1:11  "...whose own power is their god." Now, please do not forsake the context of this passage as a whole but follow me for a minute into the reflection of our own lives. 

How real is this statement? Many of us know of the Ten Commandments, you know the one that says, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," yeah that one! Well, how often do we view power as a god? I mean if we actually dig deep, we don't really think about things in our lives being considered a god before God. Ok, maybe YOU do, but at the forefront of your mind are you looking at your cellphone as a god? What about your TV? What about those desserts you indulge on um!? Is that a god? What about regular food? You need to eat right, but could that possibly be a god before God in your life? So many things that are a vital part of our daily routine, our daily mantra, the way society functions. How many of those things could possibly be or have been at some time a "god before God"? 

I want you to really ask yourself this because I am and I do. Everyone has something that takes priority in their life. You know like waking up in the morning to turn off your alarm on your phone and seeing a FB message so checking it. What about God first? Or driving to work in the morning jamming to whatever station or CD you popped in that is not bringing you closer to God, is that lost time that could be given to Him? What about just taking a much needed break and flipping through the channels on the Tele? Many of these things can be pointed to ELECTRONICS...dun dun dun....the way, the only way our world functions at this time. We feel naked without our phones in hand, maybe lost or confused. We may even decide to be late somewhere just to turn back around to get it...hmmmm!

I went a bit off course but my mind is turning, turning, thinking...

So many things lead us on a path involving ourselves and not really God centered. I'm not saying these things are wrong, become isolated from all of it and sit in the closet praying 24/7. What I am saying is that how easily we are plugged into the technology source of power and how little we are plugged into THE SOURCE!!

If we are somewhat disconnected or running low on battery life....or better yet running solely on the battery and not taking the time to recharge then isn't it easy to maybe depend on our own power or think that it's our own power? Here we are sometimes, thinking we are fully charged, feeling on top of the world, all the while we have taken away the glory, the shinning light, the focus on God and put it on ourselves, even accidentally. Good intentions don't always count. 

We are to run on God's power and give Him the full glory for it. Otherwise we become like King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. We begin to praise our accomplishments, rightly so, we did a great job, then we find ourselves looking at ourselves, crying when we have failed, exalting our work when we have succeeded, the focus has drifted away into the wind like a seed from a flower on a windy day. 

It's a bold's true and whether you believe it or not you have all been guilty of it at some point. I love God with all of me, but our HUMAN love lacks and forgets and needs forgiven when we slip up. You may not be a dirty sinner, but we can all learn to put more attention and focus back on THE SOURCE and credit Him ALL the glory because without Him we are NOTHING. From the dust we came and to the dust we return.

Ok that's my piece for the night...I bid you all adu....

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