Friday, December 9, 2011

Quick, Slow, Slow...

When you operate according to the scripture that tells us to be  "Quick To Listen, Slow To Speak, and Slow To Wrath" you can accomplish so much more than you could otherwise. 

I am a slow processor. My mind views different angles and perceptions at the same time all while carrying with it a jumble of emotional responses. It is easy to allow the first or even second emotional response to grab the reins of my outward reactions. Oftentimes though, I find myself experiencing a new set of emotions that are, let's just say less than positive. I can't even tell you the innumerable amount of times I have set out to respond to something in writing and by the time the finished product goes out it looks so completely opposite of what I began with. I take into consideration the response and attention span of the person on the other end. Is what I'm saying going to be effective? What is the underlying message and point I am trying to make and how can I get straight to it and still explain why and how I got there? I get buried in details. I want the reader to understand and see my heart within my words. That's easier said than done given you can't SEE my facial expressions which is a huge indicator of my heart response. Writing can be so emotion-LESS and easily misconstrued. How many times has someone become offended at an email or text because the interpretation was left to their mind and not accompanied by the seeing of the persons face. Relying heavily on only one of your senses leaves too much room for misunderstandings, offenses, and incorrect interpretations. 

Side Note: Hmmm...I wonder if this is what the apostles experienced when writing letters to the various churches. How careful they were in stating their case and explaining the reasoning behind it while also addressing the possible inaccurate responses that could be had. Maybe it's the writer in me that has caught that minor detail...Lol! 

I must say though...I feel quite a sense of accomplishment when I have watched my original thoughts transform into my finished work. It's a journey for sure. I never just write and that's it...I write, read, re-write, and re-read how ever many times it takes to feel like something is worthy enough to be called completed. Hahaha...and then I have a husband who is not so much a reader as he is a "skimmer". Hahaha...he skims through and grasps the gist of it and responds from there. I also take these types of people into consideration when writing...I know I can be wordy and detailed and wordy and wordy...and well, not everyone is a reader. A chunk of people are readers, a chunk of people are skimmers, and another chunk is probably something else. If something will not capture someone's attention and call them to want to read more than it did not do it's job effectively as a written piece. 

Another Side Note: I must admit, I think that I lose many people part way in reading what I write. And I have also been guilty of not reading some things and even skimming once or twice. If I know my brain won't comprehend something at the moment I will not read it and come back to it later, most of the time, unless I forget. 

Ok...I feel as though I have gotten lost in whatever I was originally set out to say...I think I was just feeling a feeling and began to write and this is what came out. All good though...hope it made sense and maybe you could even relate....OH THE SCRIPTURE...hahah...

When you take the time to LISTEN FIRST and suppress the initial emotional responses evoked, you actually CHANGE your response, allow room for compassion, are able to see past someone's not-so-eloquent words, and hear their heart. Not every person is able to effectively articulate what they want to to say and it takes a looking past that to hear their heart. When we respond FIRST we let our emotions be the head of our mouths. When we STOP, DROP, and ROLL....I mean STOP, LISTEN, and HEAR...we can be pleasantly surprised at what can now take place...and usually something along the positive lines are what occur. It's proven, tested, and tried...a method that really works! Try it! See what happens, and then write a blog about it...hahaha! 

Ok, catch ya later folks!
Loves and Hugs (in written form), 

James 1:19 "Know this, my beloved brothers: 
let every person be quick to hear, 
slow to speak, slow to anger..."

Monday, November 28, 2011

The NOW and The AHEAD...

My heart carries these most beautiful and very precious smiles within it. Lately, God has graciously allowed me to see glimpses of the impact I make on His people and for His Kingdom. In my pursuit to live a life dedicated to the Lord, I have often found myself wondering if I was even making a dent of an impact at all. I live to please God and not man, at least I aim to. I am not perfect, but I am perfected through an Almighty God who sees me as a finished work standing before Him. I strive for excellence. I set my sights high. I have to. I cannot look downward or shift my focus on anything other than God and His Agenda. Anytime I have done other than that, I have had to work that much harder just to get back on track.

Have you ever peered out of one of those telescopes on a Harbor Peer? You pop in a quarter, or probably a dollars worth of quarters nowadays, and you can see closely certain landmarks or scenery you can't see up close with just your eyes. Maybe you always brought your own! I didn't usually have any binoculars on me, but as a kid I remember it seemed to be the coolest thing to be able to look through these giant telescopes and see what those other people were able to see. I didn't want to miss anything! Once I was finally able to see through it though, I couldn't get it to focus on the area I was looking for. My view in the telescope was somehow skewed. "Is this thing broken", I thought. I would go back and forth looking in the telescope and then out with my eyes until they both fell upon the same destination. Wow! It was so exciting. It was just a building or a mountain, but I felt so cool being able to look through this thing that it became a Wow to me. When I would try and look at the next object of interest the telescope would seem to move too quickly and I would spend another chunk of time trying to align the image between my eyes in and out of the telescope. No easy task for an impatient and excited kid I tell ya. My coordination as an adult is definitely better, but it's still not an easy way to see things up close. Binoculars would be the better choice (more control), but the giant telescope cemented into the ground is still a cherished memory that I hold onto and will take every opportunity to experience whenever I get the chance. 

Strangely, I wonder what life would be like if that was our ONLY view...through the giant telescope that is. I cannot imagine the kinds of frustration that would evoke as you tried to go from one place to the next (Mental Images of People Walking Around With Binocular Eye Extension It would be almost neglecting, not almost it would be neglecting, to your up close surroundings. How do you move about The NOW and still keep in view The AHEAD? methods of using the giant telescope may have proven useful after all. My back and forth perceptions using my eyes and using the scope allowed me to best navigate and remain aware. The pairing is what helped me find the destination I was seeking. Now I must admit, I needed help at first with the giant telescope and thus my own way of doing it was born...LOL! Classic finding the way! I have tried to pass my methods on to my kiddies, but alas they too must find the way that works best for them, as much as I think that my way is the best. :) 

God is like that with us too...although He DOES Know the best way. He just patiently waits for us to try ourselves until we ask for help and THEN we can from there figure out how it will work for us. Hmmm...HERE is the Way, but everyone will step their feet down differently and approach it at different times. JESUS is the Way, and everyone's feet come upon His path at different times and He has led us to Him in different ways, ways that meet us where WE are. Oh How He knows us!

I so appreciate how God reminds me though. Sometimes my "Up Close View" and my "Far Ahead View" make it hard to see clearly at first. Once it all aligns up, for a moment I bask in the excitement and achievement. I found it. I'm not looking for affirmation for all that I do for God's Kingdom, but affirmation feels nice when you have been working so hard, not always seeing surface results, but hoping God was able to successfully use you in someone's life. When I lead that song, did it touch someone? Did they see my heart and passion for Christ? Did it lead them into His presence? When I speak the word over someone, did they receive it? Did it help change their lives? Did it help guide them back to Jesus? I know it is not by my own power, or strength, or anything that God's Will would be done. It is by my obedience to his leading of me that makes the real impact. And when He takes a moment to share with me what is occurring I can't help but beam with happiness. Yes! It more so affirms my purpose and it is truly such a great reward, honor, and privilege to uphold.

What's in Your Scope?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Character of Paul's Ministry

"We give no opportunity for stumbling to anyone, so that the ministry will not be blamed. But in everything, as God's ministers, we commend ourselves:
by great endurance, by afflictions, by hardships, by pressures
by beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by labors, by sleepless nights, by times of hunger, 
by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love,
by the message of truth, by the power of God; 
through weapons of righteousness on the right hand and the left,
through glory and dishonor, through slander and good report;
as deceivers yet true; as unknown yet recognized; as dying and look - we live;
as being chastened yet not killed; as grieving yet always rejoicing; as poor yet enriching many; 
as having nothing yet possessing everything." (2Corinthians 6:3-10)

As ministers of the gospel of Christ, as Christians involved in ministry, as leaders and people with authority, as pastors and shepherds, as people of GOD...We are guaranteed to face a number of challenges, periods of growth, a life full of discomforts against our fleshly desires, hardships, struggles, so many of these things Paul names here. This passage struck me tonight as I was reading in my word because I could place myself in many of these happenings. 

There is a cost when we become followers of Christ. 

To follow Christ Jesus it will only cost us our life. No biggie, right? Are you willing to give it up? I said YES to Him a long time ago and I find myself having to choose to say Yes everyday still. I am always left with the choice, however there are serious consequences for saying yes and then trying to change your mind. Once you have said Yes, you have said YES!

YET, Our gracious and loving Lord God has already paid the price for us. Through the blood of Jesus, through His Grace and Salvation, we can walk with Him freely! We give OUR life so He can give us life. It can be one of the most confusing concepts yet it is one of the most simplest. 

Do you choose the Blue Pill or the Red Pill Neo? (from the "Matrix" if you were confused, although I hope not because that is a staple movie with such relevance and truth we can use as an example in our Christian in my bag!)

What does it mean to give up our life and choose life? What does God really expect or desire from us? 

Let Go and TRUST in Him.

We all have an idea in our minds of something pertaining to our life. Even if we are not sure of the direction, we still choose a direction to walk in while we figure it out, and hopefully it was going the same way that we will eventually need to go in to get to where we are supposed to go...once we find out where that is, of course....LOL!

God is asking us to TRUST in HIM to guide the way in the direction HE has already laid out for us. We tend to Crave Control. WE want to pick the WhoWhatWhereWhen, and Why's of our direction and How WE get there. 

God is asking us to give THAT up! 

"But wait, then how will I know I am going the right way?" 
"But wait, this way has too many bumps and challenges...this can't be the right way!"
But wait, Wait, WAIT!" 
"I can't."
"I won't."
"I don't know how."
"It's too hard."
Blah, Blah Blah, Blah, Blah!

I've said it, you've said it, that girl over there said it, and that guy is saying it now...we can't escape not saying it...that is our flesh rising up and fighting for control. (A control we never actually had, it's all really an illusion anyways..hehe!) 

God is saying:
"Put your life into MY hands and allow ME to carry you from here to the end. 
You will still fight, but I have already won the battle...Cut OFF the enemy's head and decree My word! As David slew Goliath and Cut Off His shall you defeat your enemies and cut off their head.
Trust in MY Promises for they fail not. 
Believe My Word. Learn it. Eat it. Breathe it. Live it. Sing it. Dance it. BE IT!
Take MY hand and TRUST in ME."
Says the Lord!

We must take our eyes OFF of our life and put our eyes ON Him. 

Close your eyes, Let Go, and TRUST.

Paul spoke earlier:
"Therefore we do not give up; 
even though our outer person is being destroyed, 
our inner person is being renewed day by day. 
For our momentary light affliction 
is producing for us an absolutely incomparable 
eternal weight of glory. 
So we do not focus on what is seen, 
but on what is unseen; 
for what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal."

Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians: 
"For we are the sanctuary of the living God, 
as God said: 
I will dwell among them 
and walk among them, 
and I will be there God,
 and they will be My people. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Next Week at my kiddos school they are having a Wax Museum Event. All the students are dressing up as assigned characters, learning and memorizing facts about them, and standing like wax figurines while all the parents walk around and check them out. when approached the kids will share the facts with the people like a museum display. Very intruiging right? Well the first character down is my Princess Jaeana. She is to be a "Pilgrim Mom". We got the costume down, but still need to work on the facts. My baby stayed home today sick and of course that means play dress! She is very excited as am I. I'm even more excited because my creative bone went to work again and I made something out of household items. If my dad passed anything down to me it was an ability to make something of nothing....working in a pinch, making it happen folks! That's the way it's done! (Okay, it's not super awesome, but I'm quite pleased with it so far. It is only a Rough Draft...I have some sewing and finishing touches to make). My two boys have their characters too...not that far yet. I will assist in what they are already creatively doing. Here are some pics...ENJOY!

Monday, November 14, 2011

If You're Single and You Know It Read This Blog....Clap Clap!

I came across this Blog Posting by Kim Walker-Smith...I think anyone who is single, especially the ladies will appreciate this one. Please Please enjoy it! I take no credit for this other than sharing it with you. 

Love and Blessings To You All,

All The Single Kim Walker-Smith

I had someone ask me a question about dating and marriage.  She basically asked for advice for the single ladies.  I thought that is a great subject for this blog!  So here it is……
Ladies, you are worthy of an incredible man who treats you like the treasure you are!  It does NOT matter what your past is or where you have been, God has nothing but the best for you!  And His timing is PERFECT!  The best piece of advice I ever received in regards to this, came from my spiritual Dad, Danny Silk.  This is what he told me….
Imagine that your heart is locked away behind lots and lots of gates.  When a guy comes along who is interested in you, only put a little, tiny piece of yourself out there.  In other words, you don’t just give away your whole heart and tell him every single thing about you and in you.  Just let him see a small glimpse of who you are and what you hold dear inside you.  If he handles that well;  if he honors it and treats it like the treasure it is, then maybe you open up the first gate and let him through.  With each time you put a piece of yourself out there, you see how he handles it.  Does he honor and respect it?  Is he kind?  Does he treat it as a treasure?  The moment he doesn’t treat you well or handle a piece of who you are well, he doesn’t get through the gate.  There is only ONE man who will get through all the gates and win your heart, and he is the man who will stand at the alter and vow to love you and protect you the rest of your life.  Does this make sense?  By doing this, you are protecting your heart, but also allowing someone to get to know you.  But not just anybody gets to know you deeply….be careful!  Let a man pursue you and see where he leads.  When Skyler first told me that he wanted to pursue a relationship with me, I told him that “the ball is in his court and we will see where he leads it”.  When he told me that he liked me and wanted to be with me, I told him to “prove it”.  haha  Really!  I let him be the one to initiate calling me, etc.  But all of this starts with realizing that you are worth the pursuit.
Something else that I feel is really important is that you need to have mothers and fathers/leaders in your life.  If you have nothing to hide, it is very easy to allow these very important people to be involved in your romantic relationships.  They have insight and wisdom to share.  Sometimes they will see something we don’t and its important to hear them out!  One of the first things I had Skyler do was talk with the spiritual leaders in my life.  I told him that if they approved, then I would approve!
I used to get so mad when married people would say to me (as a single woman) “you just know”.  What on earth does that mean?!  As a single person, how on earth can I comprehend what that means?  But when Skyler told me he loved me, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of…just knowing:)  It’s not something you can understand until you experience it for yourself.  I also HATED it when people would tell me things like “its when I finally stopped looking that he showed up” or “its when I finally did (whatever) that he pursued me”.  As if there is some sort of method to the madness!  I would want to scream at them and say “Give me a break!”  It was like telling me that who I am or the way I am doing it is not good enough and if I could just figure out the secret code and do things just a certain way, the heavens would open and I would get a man!  YA RIGHT.  Listen up people, there is NO METHOD.  There is ONLY God and HIS timing.  That’s it.  And if you wait for His timing, it will be the perfect guy and yes….you will live happily ever after.
When Skyler and I were just about to get married, people all the time told us how hard their first year of marriage was.  Talk about “Debbie Downers”!  Marriage is whatever you want it to be!!  When people told us things like that, we would say “We don’t receive that”.  And we decided that our marriage would be as wonderful or as bad as we made it to be.  Since, of course, we want a wonderful marriage, we work hard at it!  And our first year was AMAZING!!  At the end of our first year, we thought, “Well if it was true, then the rest of our married life will be bliss!”  Year 2 was even more amazing and now we are headed into year 3.  And its still amazing.
If you are currently in a relationship and are thinking about marriage, I STRONGLY suggest that you check out
Those are tidbits of info that I think are really important in regards to dating/marriage.  I really could say a lot more, but this is what I most wanted to write.  I don’t really want to give an opinion as to whether you should date or court or whatever else you want to call it.  That is between you, God, and your mother/fathers.  Trust God, seek Him first, and remember ladies…… are worth the fight!

Turning Around Monday's FOR GOOD!!!

Oh how easily beset we are...

Today, Monday, the beginning of the week, the day most people dread, the day I am fighting for! I am fighting for this day because I know that after such an intense and powerful worship and prayer night the enemy is sniffing and drooling at my heels...he is awaiting the perfect moment to strike. He has tried to bite and naw at me....HELLO...I SEE YOU YA KNOW! I'm determined to stamp victorious on this day no matter what! I wonder if everyone had this same kind of where we we wake up ready to fight for our day. I wonder what would happen to us, what would happen to the world around us. If God says that 1. We can do ALL things through Him who gives us strength, 2. That we are victorious with Him, 3. That through Him strongholds are broken, darkness flees, and His glory is seen....THEN WHY DON'T WE SEE MORE VICTORY AND LESS RUIN? Why do Mondays HAVE to be marked as the awful day...why do we look forward to Friday instead of look forward to the day we are in, knowing that if God is for us who can be against us? Why don't we stare Monday in the face and say NO, You Don't Win, I WIN!! In Jesus Name I have Victory! I have Joy! I have Peace! I have Strength! I have Courage! I have Power of Darkness! I am a Conqueror through Christ! I am the Head and not the Tail! I am Above and not Beneath! I am Royalty! I am Holy unto the Lord! I am Called according to His purposes! I am a Joint-Heir with Christ who sits on the Heavenly Throne, seated at the right hand of the Father! I Am because He IS the I AM!!!

In Jesus Mighty Name...Have a Happy Halleluia Monday!!!

Loves and Hugs,

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sunday Morning * 1:22am 
Journal Entry: For I say unto this mountain...

I was sitting here thinking back to some turning point moments in my life. I am not quite sure how my thoughts drifted there, but in the lateness of the hour and the mere fact that my mind is constantly darting from thought to thought, its all normal I guess. Anyhoo, I was remembering the emotion attached to each of those moments. I remember feeling at the time that, "this was it! This was surely a mountain I could not face!". I was desperate for a change and could not seem to control anything around me to create such a drastic change. Truth be told, "that" moment felt impossible to get over. Which moment you say? Well each moment at the time felt impossible. Each moment brought me to the end of something and yet here I am still, hardly at the end...

You see what I deemed as a MOUNTAIN at the time, proved to be a pivotal landmark, one that increased the level of elevation in multiple aspects of my life; marriage, ministry, parenting, self. Defining Moments! Self-Realization! An Awakening of sorts! Release, Freedom, Breakthrough, Higher and Newer Levels. Call it what you will, all of these terms are fitting. All of these beautiful words however, carried many tears and pain with them before they achieved themselves as these words....haha, does that even make sense? These words came to fruition only after being paved through with tears and pain. Honestly, at times I wanted to just die! Dying seemed to be the only escape route in view...realistically though, that was never an option, regardless of how many times it crossed my mind. 

Needless to say, it was not all that bad, after the fact. In fact, those MOUNTAINS were no more than small lumps in the road looking back. I in no way make light of these mountainous lumps or lumpy mountains, however you choose to visualize them. I can still remember what I felt and if I were to step back into those times, I'm sure I would feel the sting I had once felt...however no time machine exists for these memories, beyond what lay wait inside my head that is. Pheeewwwww! (hand wiping sweat from brow) LoL! 

Point of all this though...
Looking back at what felt like a tragic end, ended up being a milestone, a marker in the fabric of my life, a stamp, evidence of growth stages...these areas were my glorious defeat of something bigger, achieved solely by Christ working through me. These very areas with a double sided landmark read: DEATH and VICTORY. You see at each of those places a part of me died and a part of me came to life. The choice was there for the taking only I couldn't see it at the time. I could choose the road to death or the path to life. How could a choice that great possibly exist amidst any type of pain? Where there is a Will, there is a Way! There is God's Will and My Will, God's Path or My Road. I didn't even know I was choosing between these things. All I could see was the dark pit I felt trapped inside of. Could anyone hear my desperate screams for help? Would light ever shine again? Was there still a glimmer of hope left to hold onto? The darkness seemed so thick and dark! I didn't know if anything could reach in and rescue me or if I could ever find my way back out. BUT GOD!!!!! You see God always knows the Way....He IS The Way! He is the Ultimate Navigator even in the scariest of jungles. He IS the Hope I can hold onto! He IS the Light That casts away all darkness! He IS the joy that I now have as I stand triumphantly on the other side of each of these mountains. 

I have proof, evidence, of God's mighty hands working in my life, yet when I look up today at the mountain that stands before me, I don't feel that triumphant and victorious glow surrounding me. I feel the darkness slowly creeping in trying to choke the life away from me. I don't want to die, I just want to be rid of this mountain! The scriptures even say that I have the power to tell the mountain to "be thou removed" from me, yet why do I not feel the boldness as a lion to roar against what will end up proving to be a puny little lump? 

Here is my life...laid out and set before me like a scroll rolled out across my feet. God says, "LOOK! Look and see what I see! Look and see the Victories you have with me. Do you see them?" Yes Lord, I see them! "Am I not the the same God now that I was when I gave you the victories?" Yes Lord, You are! "Then why do you not believe me now? Why do you doubt my power? Why do you think that I won't show up even more now than before? Are you not walking even more closely with me?" yes Lord, I am. My desire is to know you more and more! Always! "Okay then trust in Me Now! Trust that I have heard your prayers and know your cries. Trust that I have Your best interest at heart every single time, and that if you allow it, My perfect Will, will take place in your life! You are here sitting with me in heavenly places! Fight, fight like I know you can, like I have made you to do. Walk with boldness, talk with boldness, be confident in Me, My child! For I am with thee withersoever thou goest!" 

So I speak to the mountain and I tell it...BE THOU REMOVED! You are nothing but a Little Lump and I step right on and over You! 

"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." (Mark 11:23 KJV)

In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Funky Writing and Uplifted Encouragements...

I am never fond of writing funk's...or funky writings...

I cannot stand when the words that are constantly flowing around inside my head suddenly become plugged up like a person in need of prune juice....I need some prune juice for the mind I tell you. It's not that I don't have anything to say, but I always want to be intentional with what and when I say anything at all. I guess I haven't wanted to write in a journal'd thoughts kind of style and ended up writing nothing. I have been in a place of HUGE observation of myself. Again, I experienced a time of squeezing and looking in the mirror. It seemed to be my turn in to the Dr.'s Office. This Doctor....Jesus mainly...specializes in Christina's...Me mainly....LOL! Yeah, He knows all about the way my body works, the way my brain thinks, the way my emotions run rampant or stuff down deep inside. HE KNOWS!!! So I go to Him quite often, even more than quite often at times. He helps me sort out the mess inside of me. My organs all seem to be okay. It is mostly in regards to the um other stuff...the indecisive hindrances that cloud me like a thick chocking fog. He helps clear that fog and finds me hiding somewhere inside of me. 

Did I mention how grateful I am that He does this for me? Well I am. I think, No I know, if I didn't have Him to help me I'd have lost it a long time ago. For awhile in my life I didn't even know He was there in this way, but as I got older and sharpened my hearing skills, His voice become so dominantly clear. 

I don't always get every answer laid out for me, but EVERY time I go to Him, I feel tons better...tons lighter too...nothing like a good unplugging to brighten the heaviness of your day into a shining, gleaming, refresh!

I have shared this scripture before, but it has been on my mind to share again...whenever I need an uplifting reminder, the book of Philippians is the place for me. It gave me strength in dark times and still continues to shine bright in my life now...

The Amplified Version says this:

Philippians 3:10-14
"[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that i may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] 11That if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body]. 12Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own. 13I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]; forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Note To Self: God Is...

One of the biggest misconceptions we have as Christians is that we use our senses to gauge whether or not God is really good. In the middle of a circumstance where all things seem dark and possibly even hopeless, it's hard to be "in awe" of a glorious God. Truthfully it is our lack of trust that God has it all covered and taken care of that dims our eyes to His radiating beauty and glory.

God is still, and always will be God.

I find so often that every time I begin to feel as though I am falling apart at the seams, God always swoops in to save me from myself. It's not life that is swallowing me, it's my thoughts, feelings, and reactions to life that messes me all up. You have to watch out for all that because it will sneak up on you and kill you! Seriously! Every moment is a choice. A choice to believe and trust God to be God or a choice to handle it yourself. Whether we would like to admit it or not we have ALL been there, probably much more than we care to acknowledge. It's not until things start to feel like they are falling apart or spiraling out of your control that you even realize you just might have grabbed those reigns from God and assumed control after all. WHAT??? I thought I WAS letting God handle it! Apparently not. Apparently I wavered in my trust, subconsciously thinking I could handle it or do it better even. Excitement stirring, adrenaline rushing, creativity flowing....yep I can do this. It all quickly goes sour as  t h i n g  a f t e r   t  h  i  n  g    l  o  o  s  e  s   i t s e l f  from your grip of control and suddenly you don't feel like "you can do it" anymore. In fact, you begin to feel like you might drown. Unfortunately it doesn't end there. Panic sets in and we begin to try harder to fix it all. After all "fixing it" is what we do. That's our department, our area of expertise. Right? LAUGH!!!! Oh such a sad people we can be. We ask for God's help, He comes, we feel like everything is going great, so great that before we know it we have moved God out of our way and taken over managing it all....I'm hearing a voice much like the sound and attitude of the little bratty girl Varuka from Willy Wonky and the Chocolate Factory. Her smug, loud mouth, bratty behavior bust out into song and's all playing in my head. Ha! LAUGHABLE we are. We do the same thing. "'s MINE and I want it NOW!" The sweet sound of a hostile takeover covered up by our love for God and excitement to move forward. Eeeek! Sounds pretty bad. But wait that's not it! After this cycle, after things fall apart, after we get to drowning status, that's when we call out for God's help and start the whole thing over again.

In the end there is a lesson to be learned here.

Plaster sticky notes all over yourself 
that will help remind you of one simple truth:


The End.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fun With Food...

For about a week now I have only had a taste for a handful of dishes. I have literally eaten the same rice dish with slight ingredient variations EVERYDAY and loved every bite, every time! I decided to have some fun taking pictures too and wanted to share them with you. Some of it normal and the rest are Art In My Eyes...LOL! Hope you enjoy....check out my earlier blog post "Recipes Round Up" for the recipes to go with these pictures. 

Loves and Food Hugs,

My Famous All Natural 
Berry Ginger Cool Lime Refresher

I'm Totally Veggies About Rice!!!!
A Pot of Soup goes a long way....throw in some freshly minced garlic and you have got yourself some All-Natural Germ-Fighting-Feel-Better-By-Morning Yum-In-A-Bowl 
Kids Request: Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Homestyle Potatoes for Breakfast for Dinner

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Going First...

I have been studying the scriptures, looking at the lives and examples of these people God saw fit to tell me about. What I have come to understand and really sink my mind into is how God covered every possible experience I have had and will ever have. As I come to Him, confused by things I face in life, He points me to His word and begins to show me how I can overcome. You see, God called me to be an Overcomer! With every obstacle that stands in my way there is an example of someone who also faced an obstacle and overcame. 

I have often looked at myself as someone who has to go First. God has me walk through circumstances, that produce experiences, that train, equip, and grow me, allowing me to be an example for others of How To Overcome. By experiencing First Hand certain situations, I am then able to articulate a message God is trying to show His people. I "Get It" and then show you so you will "Get It". This is all a part of God's call on my life to be an "Awakener" of His people. Someone has to go first before they can take anyone else anywhere. You cannot lead people where you yourself have never been. That does not disqualify a leader from having to trust solely on God WHILE leading, but rather proves the responsibility and mandate leaders must carry in order to be effective. 

Jesus Christ is a perfect example of a leader who went First. He is the Ultimate Leader! His life depicts that of a man who can honestly sympathize and empathize with everything we could possibly ever face. He suffered, He loved, He laughed, He cried, He lived, He died, and He OVERCAME unto eternal life. Within His short 33 years on this earth, He covered EVERYTHING so He could show US how to OVERCOME! God, in His graciousness, humbled Himself from His exalted position to that of a man of flesh, just so He could tell you, "I went through that and here I stand. Follow me and I will show you how to go through and overcome and stand with me on the other side." WOW!!!!!

Not only did God give us Jesus, but He equipped us with tools, examples, testimonies of other people who Experienced Life and through the power of God, Overcame. Mistakes were made, tempers were lost, melt downs and break downs happened, lives were taken, hope seemed a forged memory, and suffering proceeded with each generation, BUT IN THE END GOD HAS THE GLORY! I can look at the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah, Job, Esther, Anna, Simeon, Peter, and Paul, among countless others. I can see what they experienced, the feelings they had, the anxieties, the pressures, the doubts, the fears, I see it all. What stands out ABOVE all of that is GOD, His hand, His mercy, His love, His peace, His joy, His nature, His character, His compassion, His fire, HIM! He stands out above all of it. He provides a message of hope that if I stick in the game, if I keep trusting in Him especially when my senses scream Run, that He WILL have the Victory in my life. 

Why would I believe anything else? It's all over and throughout this Book! It's hidden within lines, translations, and words. Even when I get inspired by something, God throws another inspiration in there like He had a special secret tucked away just to wow me with later. THAT right there is LOVE!!!! 

I join with all the people who went FIRST! I sit among them. They went first for me and I will go first for you so that you can go first and the Kingdom of God will prevail!!! In Jesus Name...AMEN!

Loves and Hugs Peeps...Hope you got inspired!

"Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." (1Cor 1:3; Phil 1:2)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Recipe Roundup...

We are almost a week in our 21 Day Daniel's Fast and I haven't gone quite as Raw as I had hoped, but it's been pretty great. I have been stuck on this particular rice dish every day (sorry no pics yet, I'll take one next time I make it). Here are some great, super easy, recipes that make me! Anyone could make these they are that simple and will make for a Happy Faster! :)

Recipe 1
Jasmine or Basmati Rice (you can also use Brown) Cooked and Chilled
Diced Cucumbers
Diced Tomatoes (Cherry, Roma, or the Vine Rippened one are best to use)
Olive or Grapeseed Oil
Sea Salt or Kosher Salt
Cracked Pepper
Ancho Chilli Pepper
Garlic Powder or Fresh Chopped Garlic Cloves
Fresh squeezed 1/2 lemon and 1/2 lime

Heat fry pan, add oil and heat slightly, add chilled rice (as much as you want to eat, but keep in mind the quantity increases when adding other ingredients).
Stir rice and add seasonings and squeezed citrus.
Add in diced veggies, more seasoning and squeezed citrus and stir
Pour in a dish and eat it all up!

Recipe 2
Smoothie Recipe:
1/2 Cup Frozen Mango
1/4 Cup Frozen Bluberry
1/4 Cup Frozen Strawberry
Freshly Grated Ginger Root (as much or as little depending on how much you like ginger)
Almond Milk (fill over fruit)
Agave (optional, can drizzle in)
Blend, Serve, Eat with a Spoon and finish with a Straw!

Recipe 3
Fresh Baby Spinach
Fresh Arugula
Cherry, Roma, or Vine Tomatoes
Optinal Extras:

Lightly pan fry small chopped potatoes (skin on), season with salt and pepper.
(Add in extra ingredients that need longer to cook: onions, peppers)
Once potatoes are nearly done, add in spinach and stir then last add in diced tomatoes.
Stir and Serve.

Recipe 4
(I often use frozen because we always have frozen veggies in the freezer, but fresh is fine too)

Lightly Steamed Broccoli, cauliflower, and Baby Carrots
Cooked Rice
Cooked Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Navy Beans

You can make it as seasoned or as unseasoned as you desire. It's seems to be easier for inexperienced Fasters to season their foods more and that is totally fine.

Recipe 5
Lettuce Wraps

Big Romaine Leaves OR Big Red/Green Leaves
Hummus or Dressing or Salsa (Optional)
Load with your favorite veggies inside, dice them or chop them up, they can be cooked or uncooked whatever you want.
If using hummus, spread on leaves before adding veggies.
If using dressing or salsa, drizzle on after adding veggies.
Roll up like tacos or taquitos and Enjoy!

Recipe 6
Soup It Up!

Whatever you like thrown in a pot. Longer cooking veggies go first then add in according to beggie cooking needs. If you want a quicker meal use already cooked or canned items. But if you have a little more time, fresher is always better.

I often use Garden Veggie Vegan Bouillan Cubes as a base (Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, All Veggies, Helathy and no chemicals)

And I will usually throw in a can of diced tomatoes to make it even more hearty.

It can be All Veggie or add in Cooked Rice Or Cooked Quinoa Pasta.

Recipe 7

Quick oats, hot water, frozen fruit

Pick your fav frozen fruit, let sit in a bowl in the fridge overnight, (Optional: add a few drizzles of Agave). Stir and pour in oatmeal.

Recipe 8

Use Brown Rice Pasta or Quinoa Pasta (boil according to package directions)
Canned Crushed Tomaotes (for you prefer a more hearty sauce add in a can of tomato paste)
***for all my canned items, if you search you can find some without additives and chemicals

Homemade Sauce:
Heat some olive oil in a deep pan or pot with a lid
Add in chopped onions (I keep mine big so I can take them out later since my family doesn't like onions)
*Optional, gives good flavor, add in chopped peppers
Add in finely chopped garlic cloves or keep pieces big to take out later
Add crushed tomatoes
Add seasonings: salt, pepper, cilantro, parsley, oregano, Italian seasonings, ancho chili pepper, red pepper, etc.
Simmer with lid on for about 30 minutes. Add to cooked pasta. Serve and Enjoy!

Ok that's all for now! I'll post more later. Feel free to post some of your own favorite recipes on here as well. I love recipe sharing! Take a recipe, tailor it to fit your taste buds, and eat happy!

Post surgery Update: Endovenous Ablation using VNUS Closure Procedure
I had my left leg done last month and this past Thursday I had my right leg done. I had my own expectations for this second time round and yeah it was not what I thought! Lol! It hurt more afterwards on the day of, them second day it hurt less. I took the bandages off about 12am this morning and it was much more swollen then last time. It's different because I don't feel I have a stronger leg to depend on this time round, but all in all I'm doing great! I'm taking hardly any pain meds which is far different from popping the, every 4-6hours last time. I also enjoy being on the fast during this time, which I believe is responsible for how great I am feeling post recovery. I watched some YouTube videos of what the actual surgery looks like and it's a bigger deal seeing it like that than I had led myself to believe. It's a real surgery with blood and swelling! Haha! Although it is minimally invasive compared to other methods and other surgeries, the reality hit me a bit more after watching. I didn't cry or anything though. Lol! If you are curious, look up the procedure on YouTube. There are different variations of the Abalation Procedures, but it will give you a general idea.

Other than that, God is A-Brew-n' some things in me lately that I'm sure will be pouring out soon here.

Loves and Hugs,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Is It Possible?

I have been reading in the book of Job recently and have adapted an interesting perception, something I had not taken into account before. Job suffered. That is very clear. According to scripture we know Job to have been a perfect man before the suffering. Not perfect in the sense of being completely sinless because the Bible teaches that every person falls short of God's standard of perfection (Rom 3:23). Job's perfection was without blame of any moral failure from a human point of view. Still this speaks highly of his character, integrity, and standing, plus he was wealthy, so obviously he was on a right track in his life. We also know that God "allowed" Satan to afflict Job to "test" him. Satan, always looking for a way to rub something in God's face, and while some people do fail certain tests and areas of life at times, God still wins! The Bible as well as experience proves such. 

Something began to occur to me though as I took a deeper look. Firstly, I wonder what happened in between Job 2:9-10 and Job 3. Job started with hushing his wife's foolish conclusions which were contrary to God's character, as she questioned his continued integrity in the midst of this seemingly ridiculous onset of suffering. After being visited by his friends and days of sitting in silence together he proceeds to curse the day he was born. I found that quite interesting. Satan's attempts are obvious to me, but it was after Job's friends showed up that his language took a different turn. The tragic happenings, physical torment, and pressure from his wife didn't push the beginning of his hostile reactions until his friends came to visit....very curious don't you think? The same friends that then began to advise him on their own assumptions and conclusions of the "Why's" of his sufferings. 

That wasn't even the meat of this revelation though...

As Job begins to speak from a place of mental and physical anguish; basically beginning to react; what Job is most faced with, and possibly the reason for the break of silence into the beginning of the reactions, is the shaking of his theology and understanding thus far of God Himself. You see, Job began to examine this situation, these happenings based off of his previous understanding of why one would suffer. It was his own basic presupposition, that God always blesses the righteous and afflicts the wicked, that was proving faulty, given his "on track" life. He thought himself to be in right standing with God, not a wretched sinner deserving of such horrific experiences. Regardless of what he did experience, he had not renounced God, which was the reaction Satan was trying to prove to God would happen. Job must conclude that his theology has to be wrong because he cannot put what he believes to be true of God together with what is happening to him. Job reacts in hostile ways at times, even exaggerating untrue and virtually blasphemous sayings, but always turns back to God and never renounces God. Incredible I might add!

My conclusion to this is: Is it possible that God allowed Job to go through these experiences to break the mold of his presupposed theology of his understanding of God? Was God providing an opportunity for Job's theology and understanding to be enlarged and increased THROUGH his suffering? God always has reasons for everything (Eccl. 3:1). Although Job dealt with all that he did, he was pushed to seek God more. Our fleshly desire is to understand WHY! It is when we do not know the answer to something pertaining to us that we begin to panic, allowing doubt and fear to settle in. God saw through Satan's failed attempts to throw something in His face, instead taking advantage of an opportunity to Enlarge, Increase, and Stretch Job's understanding of Him. It is this very perspective that has refueled me to stop questioning and needing to fulfill my fleshly desire to know WHY! Don't get me wrong...I did not say this would be an easy thing to stop doing, just that it pushes me to push past my fleshly desires..."walking after the spirit and not the flesh". 

If God wants to expand my view of Him, it must be in a way so completely opposite of comfortable-to-my-flesh. My flesh is what cannot contain Him, my spirit is what needs to grow stronger in Him, and overcoming the obstacles set before me is what allows for the stretching, increasing, and enlarging to occur. 

Break the molds of my understanding Oh God, that I might receive more of who You are. I said I wanted to walk with You as did those who walked with You before me. You graciously make way for that through each and every one of my experiences. I WILL Trust in You Always even though what I see and feel may seem opposite of what I know. I will Trust!!!


Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Isaiah 12:2
"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation."

Psalms 34:1
"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth."

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've never been more thankful in my life than I am right now for every opportunity of reprieve in my life. I am literally filled with joy even though I know it's only a moment until the next thing I must face. I may even be facing other things simultaneously, but reprieve in one area, a moment to breathe in just one area, is a huge load off. All I can do is think of God's amazing goodness right now. I am moved by His shows of affection for me. How could I have ever doubted Him, even the teeniest bit? Has He ever failed anyone in the Bible? NOPE! Has He ever failed me? NOPE! So why when things begin to shake around me do I think the ground is gonna fall? And if it does fall, wouldn't He catch me anyways? Trust! Gotta have it! 

"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." (Psalm 91:2 KJV)

"And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee." (Psalm 9:10 KJV)

"I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord." (Psalm 40:1-3 KJV)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Learning To Trust...

Learning to trust God in all things is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to face. It's a simple biblical principal and key to walking with Him successfully. Not a worldly success that defines how someone views my relationship with Him, but a spiritual success with an outcome that speaks... "My servant in whom I'm well pleased". When all else fails around me I have one goal with one objective: Trust in the Lord and Follow His statutes; in that He will be pleased with me.

I came across a message recently that spoke of desiring God's WILL more than His POWER. I would not put myself in the latter category however it's quite possible I have unknowingly done so. To pursue God's Will above all else means to Trust in Him regardless of what I see or feel. Emotions are such a black thick tar sometimes against all reason. Emotions become the ruler of man more than anything else I know of. I have been easily overtaken by the flipped switch of emotion, easily set off track from the course, reacted outside of myself over some of the dumbest things! How can you pursue God's will if you are the one getting in the way with your out of control emotions...I want it my way, that way looks better, this is too hard I'll just do it that way instead. Have you ever thought any of those things? Well I have! It's not something I want to blurt out loud..."Hey people, I have trust issues, with God!" No I can't say that seems like a comfortable thing to say, but it's truer than I would like it to be.

Oh how I want to easily trust God. Oh how I want to stop allowing life to overwhelm me. Oh how I want to really and truthfully lean completely on God and rest in Him like He beckons us to. Ugh! Why can't I just be a perfect daughter to my Father? Have you ever felt like such a bad child? I went through my teenage years knowingly being rebellious. I just didn't want to do what my parent wanted me to. I wanted to do what I wanted..."leave me be and let me do my thang!" If my parent had done that, I'm quite sure I would be dead. Oh how God has delivered me from the hands of death because of my stubbornness and distrust in His Will.

Sorry, emotion just hit pretty hard at this moment. Just the awareness of my ugly flaws...I don't like this ugly person who hides in me. She comes out during times of struggle. I hate her as a matter of fact. I hate the ugliness of my flesh that rises up against me...but wait what about that scripture that says, "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places." I am in the wrong battle!!! I'm in the wrong battle! Instead of fighting against myself and my own will, I need to be warring against these principalities that are trying to come in and distract me from pursuing my purpose and reaching the promise.


If that is your hearts cry, join in prayer with me.
Father, right now we ask that You teach us to rest in You. We pray that when challenges are set before us, we look to You first, that we are not swayed by emotion and our own will, but walk by the moving of the Holy Spirit towards and in Your Will. You are God and we are not! You alone are God! Forgive me for ever trying to take over that role from You. Forgive me for allowing my flesh to be the stronger. Help me Lord, because without You I Cannot! Without You God, I cannot and am not! I need You every day, every hour, every moment. Cleanse and purify my heart continuously that I may Be pleasing unto You. If I do not please you in areas show me so I can change. Thank You Father for loving me and patiently guiding me through life to accomplish Your purposes. I pray that be my hearts desire. You know and see my heart more than I even know it. You God are my heart! I look to You! I love You! In Jesus Name I bind any strongholds and ploys of the enemy against me in my life, against my family, against my ministry. You said in Your word God that No Weapons formed against me would prosper. I know that even though I see the arrows coming at me that I can bank on Your word and trust that You will never fail me, Your words never fail! I pray that angels would be released to make a border of protection against me, my family, my house, my friends and family, my church, my kids school, everywhere we go and everywhere we are. You are God Only over all things and no enemy, no device formed, no curse spoken, no evil can beset that which Your hands are over. Help me God to walk in boldness! I will not walk in fear which causes me to be overwhelmed. I will only trust in You with ALL of me. Cover me Lord, for You are my covering. Protect me Lord, for You are my protection. Counsel me Oh Lord, for You are my counselor. Teach me Lord, for You are my teacher. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I am a Conquerer through You Jesus Christ who strengthens me. All things are possible through You God. Let me not ever ever ever forget who You are and what You have done and what You are doing! You are Master, You are Lord, You are Savior, You are King, YOU ARE GOD!!! In Jesus Mighty Name...Amen and So Be it!

Loves and Hugs!

Believe God to Be God!

(Call me a slacker...I have struggled to find balance for about a week now, but I'm getting back on track so here it goes...)

Have you ever encountered that feeling of wanting to give up? This is something I have hit on before, but adding in a fresh perspective. The feeling usually arises when we feel overwhelmed by what's around us. This can be life, this can be ministry, this can be anything. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and the rest of us struggle to hold on before being blown away or crushed under the pressure. The thing is though, what are we running away from exacty? Are we Running away from responsibility, commitments, pressures, life? To run away is simply to give up on a thing. If we are giving up What is it, or better Who is it we are giving up on?

Could it be that all this time we thought our feelings created a desire to run away from or give up on WHAT was causing us to feel overwhelmed.? If it's ministry, then we want to step away or "step down" as so many call it, lessen responsibility, pull back from what we give ourselves to and how much of ourselves we give. If it's life, well maybe we give up on living it one way and decide to live it another, or maybe it's more serious and we just want to give up all together and cease to exist.

What if it wasn't the WHAT, but the WHO? What if the underlying truth to the desire to run or give up was really directed towards God? Is it possible that what we are really saying, but rarely admitt to is that we Give Up On God because we don't like what we are seeing and feeling? Everything in us tells us to book it and high tail it outta here as fast as possible, but that is only because we are convinced we are running from the thing. Surely God meant for us to move forward right?

No, we run and give up because we stop believing God to be God. We doubt and fear and cannot control a dang thing! We feel more than uncomfortable, overstretched, overworked, stressed out, on the verge of some mental breakdown or mental exhaustion or emotional fatigue...(hehe these words are making me laugh, but this is serious here!)

"Issac new the same God who was leading him had also led his father Abraham (Gen. 26:24). Jacob realized his God was also the 'God of Abraham and Issac' (Gen 35:12). Joseph understood that God's activity in his life was building upon what God had already done through his forefathers "Abraham, Issac, and Jacob" (Gen. 48:15). When God commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites, Moses did not assume God was just beginning to implement his plan (Exo. 3:15). When Moses prepared his people to finally enter the Promised Land, he recalled with them all that God had done for them over the previous years...Whenever Paul explained why he was leading his people the way he was, he reviewed the story of how God had worked in his life (Acts 22:1-21; 24:10-21; 26:1-23)."

The key here is Learning to Just Believe God to be God...that's it! Why do you think God repeated throughout the scripture that saying about being "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"? It wasn't a cool way to say His name. It was a reminder for His people, for us today that no matter what is going on around us God is still God. He was God to Abraham and He is God to You! He showed Himself faithful and remains faithful still. He is God! We either believe He is or we don't. We can't change our minds according to our feelings. We must change our feelings according to God!

Love ya all,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Up Is the Direction I'm Going...

Sometimes it seems like I have been talking about the same thing over and over again.When you are facing something, THAT something tends to be your focus. For me the focus has been "The Battle". If we break that down further we see the many parts or lessons being learned. 

*Realizing You're in a Battle 
*Learning to Live on the Battlefield
*Entering the Enemy's Camps
*Retreating Is Not An Option
*Dwelling in the Caves Means Sleeping in the Caves 
*Guarding Your Gates 
*Reclaiming Your Territory

There are a wide variety of lessons here all which are preparation for something greater. The end all is we are all in a battle and we better dang well get used to it. Last night another realization or revelation hit me...remember I am still 'fighting' in this battle...God clearly spoke and said, "Don't you see? I have been delivering the enemy into your hands one by one!" Can I just say, OH MY GOSH!!!! Every time I feel like I'm done and can't take anymore, God comes in and shows me something else. He let's me go til I pop, or almost pop, and then He is comes in just in time saying, "Here ya go! Here is another little nugget for you to chew on! Here is another moment to breathe. Here is another reprieve before the next battle". However what I have failed to see was that every encounter with the enemy was really God delivering them into my hands. Here I am complaining because I am still fighting and He is trying to show me HOW I have the Victory in Him! When you are smack in the middle of the battle is when you see yourself for who you really are...WEAK and not so much STRONG. Sure it's easy to be strong and encouraging for someone else in their own battle, but when it's your battle, your fight, your fears, your shortcomings, that's a different story. How Bi-Polar is that? Oh I'm sorry, did you think you were perfect? Maybe you are..or maybe you have never fought in the battle and you can take your "No-It-All" self and go! Go, really...I'm serious...GO! Straight into the battlefield. Stay there for a bit! We will see what you your language sounds like then! Mm hmmmm! Lol! 

I have some researching to do now about this new perception of God delivering the enemy into my hand. It's so biblical! It's so right on! I'm excited and thankful for this new found revelation nugget God has given me. I mean, God could have just thrown me into this scenario and left me there to just figure it out on my own and see if I come out alive. Don't tribes do that with the older boys to prove their manhood. If they make it out in the wilderness or mountains or wherever alone then they are truly a man and are welcomed back as having earned their honor. BUT GOD, MY GOD!!!! He said He would never leave me or forsake me. He said He would always be with me. He said He would protect me.He may lead me out to the wilderness, down through the valley, or up into the mountain. I may encounter the enemy, I may learn to walk without fear, I may be stretched to stretchy-stretchyness, but Victory is the end of the Journey. VICTORY, SWEET VICTORY!

I'll be back with more and I'm bringing my be ready! 

Loves and Hugs, 