Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hahahahaah....life and laughter...

Hahahahahahahahahaha.....Yes, I must start off with a giant laugh! You might laugh a little too after I tell you this. So, I had this realization just now about myself. This realization came after occurrences with my electronics. Let me start at the beginning...it won't take long I promise...well not too long.

Ok, so basically I barely got sleep last night...I won't bore you with the details but I WAS BEYOND TIRED...and 5:45am came way to early, but up I was brewing a cup of coffee for my hubby and waking him up to start his day. If only there was a picture of how my eyes and face looked...it would probably make a hilarious characeture drawing. Lol! I managed to make myself a cup of coffee knowing at this point it wasn't doing much and I started my day. I was prepared for the length and tedious tasks of the day but not for the stomach sickness roller coaster ride I was on. Sleep met me at the same time as fulfilling my teacher duties with Cedric (gotta take what you can). It was more of a sickness sleep than a please let me stay in bed 5 more minutes mom sleep, but it was sleep nonetheless. EEEEPPppppp..I'm trying to not be detailed, this is hard! You have no idea all the things I have skipped over...haha! Um...where was I....oh yeah...so by the end of the day I feel better but my brain is completely fried from the nonstop things I was doing and if I did not pry myself away from it I am pretty sure the news would have been talking about a major implosion causing a massive hole in the ground and no one knows what it is...aliens, the government...nope it was ME!!!!! ha! So I sit down and play on my phone because that is actually stress relieving and then my battery flashes low but I keep going because its more of a warning low than a shutting off low. Then it finally hits low low so I get off my phone and decide to eat some food and maybe get on my laptop when Jaeana brings it to me saying the battery is done. Do you see any of the laughter I was mentioning...not yet...well I didn't have a chance to charge my phone or my laptop last night so apparently it was a day of running on low batteries for everything in my path....now we are all dying....hahaha! The the revelation comes...ok God I get it!!!!

Lesson Learned today: If you don't charge your battery....you're gonna have a Shut Down!

So recharge and continue on is my night tonight! Woohoo.....are YOU'RE BATTERIES CHARGED???

Acts 17:28 (King James Version)"28For in him we live, and move, and have our being;...."

A little something...

Everyone coins the phrase..."New Year, New You!" and it is common to see churches call for a corporate All Church beginning of the Year Fast. Its like the First-Fruits of Fasting if you will. We are making a deposit on the whole year and starting it off by consecrating ourselves to God. I have noticed how more people are becoming dissatisfied with the one fast and either add to it or modify it to fit what God is speaking to them about personally. This is awesome...the Body desires closeness with God...BUT it's not enough. A revelation of it has hit me and as I began speaking about it with my friend who is starting a liquids fast, God gave me a word for her. Then we talked some more and this is what God showed me:

Fasting can become like a mantra...a repetition instead of the depth in which its measured. I think the body has become desensitized to Fasting. Its something we do corporately and we do get closer to God, but do we Fast like Jesus fasted? What about Moses? Elijah? Isaac? Abraham? Jacob? Do we fast as those before us fasted? How did Enoch get so close to God to be taken before his time just to be closer to God? How did Abraham trust God so as to see beyond what we look at when we read his story. His picture of it had to be different then ours. How did David have Gods heart? Even in his ugly, wicked, behaivors he recognized God on a level different from us. How do we meet God like that? How do we see Him more? If fasting is like a key to opening the door to God and in our carnal nature we cannot fully know him...how do we press more deeply into the spirit to know God differently? We so easily set Him inside a box and limit His access in our lives because of our own barriers and limitations of belief, faith, trust, and the ability to receive. How do you reach then more and keep going? How do you stretch farther than your arms can reach???? Meditate on that for a bit and let God minister to your spirit. He is the living water that flows within...what rivers are open to his movement and what dams do you still have built up around your heart and mind? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Did anyone notice I've been gone...?

Forward...Backward....Side to Side.....This way, That way......Slippity Slide....Up then Down....Round and Round....Back again to go Forward once more....

An interesting, but inevitable cycle of the journeys of life. You cannot escape it so there is no use wasting precious energy to fight the cycle when there are plenty of other things you could be putting your energy towards fighting. Ha! I cannot believe I haven't written since November...this was the first line to one of many times I have tried...(emphasizing TRIED) to write something here. This blog feels like a distant memory I have allowed to fade away. It makes me mad, but you can't force a season to operate outside of its season. (Not really!)

Who cares...every time I have tried to explain it, like a couple of hours ago...SOMETHING STOPS ME! So here is another opportunity...snatching this one up real quick!

It is 2011...January is just about over and it will soon be June...yeah! Every moment I turn around its approaching another year. Why is time on SPEED? Lol! I have so many things I want to share, so many revelations God has been and still is downloading into me or I guess the proper technical term would be uploading into me....I guess I would be downloading from Him...haha...you get it though! I just know that once I start writing it, SOMETHING will happen again. I just want a dang post up....it's the starting that is most challenging. Once you start you can begin....is this a hidden simple and profound statement I just stumbled upon? Hmmm...maybe. I thought all hope was lost and my blog would fade away into the dream from whence it came when I saw a COMMENT on one of my previous postings. It drew me in like the perfect bait and I re-read the old post then the comment. Ahhhhhh...there it was....the opportunity...the On-switch...the thing I needed tonight. It was a great revelation God had given me that sparked something in my spirit. I am in the place of looking back, but not like Lot's wife. God is having me EVALUATE some things along many different journeys. Not all of the journeys are mine, but He is wanting me to SEE some things. Everyday He shows me something else after having either walked it or studying the walk of another. There has been a seemingly permanent writers block in me and I am not sure why other than to know that Reflection creates Room for Revelation. If my mind is overcrowded I cannot receive. You know its interesting because we ask God, "why are You not speaking to me or answering me!!!" We get so frustrated and question everything. We question ourselves...are we doing something wrong? We question God...why aren't we being answered? We question everything and sometimes everyone around us. The answer is possibly we are too stuffed to receive.....INBOX FULL!!!! Have you ever called anyone only to find you could not leave them a message because their inbox was too full.....then the call ends and you are left with no way to leave that message. I have thought to myself...will this person be checking their mail soon? How long? Can I ask YOU...when was the last time YOU checked your inbox? Maybe God is trying to speak to you but you are too consumed by whatever else to even look and see that your inbox is full......just all mad that you haven't heard back from the person....from God...when all along it was You! Ouch!

Well...I don't want to push my limits with this first STARTER writing...I hope someone out there hasn't forgotten about me and my Written Life...lol! I am still here....if you are still listening.

Until the next time...we are now moving from start to begin....
Loves and Hugs,