Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Move Forward...

Calling all people...calling all people!!! God is calling forth a people who will Rise Up! He is calling the Church to Rise Up!

My heart has been filled today with many things. I feel stirred in my Spirit! I am vibrant with anticipation!(weird word choice? I know) Have you ever felt excited for a kid waiting for their birthday or something? Well deep down, somewhere in the pit of me, I have this feeling welling up inside like I am waiting for God to do this super awesome, amazing thing! I know He always does super awesome, amazing things, but this is different, this feels different. I try and always have "Great Expectation" for God to show up and meet me, meet His people, and fill us with His presence, surround us with His Goodness. I never want to put a box around God, what He is doing or going to do, and how He is going to do it. This actually takes effort!!! Our carnal minds so easily want to put everything into a neat little compartment that we can store away and label as this or that. Lord, please help me to get rid of, get out of THE BOX! No more limits, no more boundaries, no more labels, no more BOXES that define who God is. How can we, with our insignificant selves, (compared to God that is) presume to really "know" God? Our life is a journey of "Knowing Him"!!! Well, it should be. To KNOW God more, to KNOW His heart, to KNOW His character, to KNOW Him intimately in our lives, to KNOW Him in every sense of the word KNOW.

In the Bible, when talking about two people coming together in a union of marriage that they would then "know" each other. Now that isn't a cover word for sex, although when getting married, well, you hopefully will be having sex...but it means on all levels to "Know" that person. You know all about them in every way - spirit, soul, body, and mind...the ultimate being ONE with someone...and are we not to be ONE with God as we are ONE-Flesh with our spouse?

(((It's funny...this is not my original direction but things just flow out sometimes...)))

God is calling us to KNOW Him and to Rise Up In Him!!! Where are the True Worshippers as spoken about in John 4:23? Where is the last day "Church-the body and Bride of Christ"? Where are the "Chosen Generation", the "Peculiar People", the "Royal Priesthood"? Where are YOU!?!?!

God is calling us to come forth and rise up in Him, so that we may move forward in fulfillment of our calling according to His purpose. Don't we get it? God is "CALLING" us because we all have been "CALLED"! We all have a purpose, a destiny, a plan that God has laid out for us as our Father and through Jesus and His Blood we have become joint-heirs with Him and can boldly, with authority, walk in ALL that God has!!!

Don't you want that? I sure do! God is stirring up a WORD in me that will come forth soon...we must prepare ourselves...we must prepare the way for the soon coming King of Kings - JESUS...but we must prepare ourselves - the Church - God's people - as the Bride of Christ. He is coming back for us...that word will come soon..

I wanted to share a poem I wrote a month ago and then finished yesterday. I wasn't purposing to write any poem but like my words, I just get things and have to write them down. For me it is a constant in pouring from God and outpouring for myself and God's people...and ever-overflowing-cup...a well...a the bible says we are filled with the living water...water with Life...God's Life pouring into us and overflowing out! Continual! Aaaahhhhhhhh! I love God so!

So here is my poem. Hope you enjoy it! It's nothing super fancy just a small outpouring from my heart. Funny thing also is that I don't consider myself a "poem writer" but God has a way of helping me to see who I am and then I begin accepting more things...I am a Writer, I am a Worship Leader, I am a Youth Pastor, I am a Teacher, I am an Exhorter, I am a Mommy, I am a Wife, I am a Creative in arts, I am a Prophetic Worshipper, I am a Coffee shop Cafe Owner, I am a Candle Make, I am many things...and although none of these things DEFINE me as a person, because I refuse to be put in a box...They are very much a huge part of me and a part of the inpouring outpouring process...My list keeps growing and rightly so because God promises INCREASE and in Him I am MORE THAN....which means there is always more and from a God who is always faithful to fulfill His promise even if we don't see it...Abraham did not see the manifestation or fulfillment of God's promise but we see it today as we are a part of that Promise. Ok, so I better stop I could probably pour all day! :) Hopefully in my pouring you were blessed!

Loves, Hugs, and Enjoy Life!

Our Yesterday's do not have to affect our today's because we move forward with purpose being raised up in Christ as new creatures, forgiven, restored, and walking in alignment with God's will so as to fulfill our mandated vision that God has called us to according to His purpose! Awaken, Arise, and Move Forward with HIM!!! :)



I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead

I was once bound by sin but now sin is dead

My life is now free, no more chains holding me

I live in the One who brings peace

I have my release

Jesus has come, to set the captives free

I have found Him won't you come follow me

Follow me as I follow Christ

In Him you can find new life

Free from the pain, free from the hurt, free to rejoice, free in His court

Jesus has come to set the captives free, Jesus has come He lives in you and me

Now moving forward, Moving ahead, never looking back, among the living not the dead

I once was blind but now I can see

I live in Jesus and He lives in me!

I am free to worship, I am free to praise

I have new life and new purpose

In Him I was made

I can speak through my singing, my writing, and more

But I give Him all the Glory, He's what I do this for

He's the reason for my worship, the reason for my praise, the reason I'm even in this whole race

A race to the end, victory is sure

Victory in Him means life evermore

So on I go, moving ahead

Not looking back but looking to Him instead

Fulfillment in my calling, my destiny is set

I rejoice cause He's returning, He's not finished with us yet

Keep pressing on, don't give up or give in

Move forward with purpose, move forward with Him.

I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead!"


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eagles vs. Lions

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not grow weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

I recently got a revelation of the power of being able to mount up with wings as eagles or mount up on the wings of eagles. It connects with the scripture in 1 Pet 5:8 that says, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Interesting thing about lions...Lions, as we know are the king of the jungle, the dominant predator, very vicious in their attack...well with all their strength they don't have to work so hard for their meal. Lions will roar for a number of reasons when hunting prey. They roar declaring their ownership of the land and to scare and intimidate their prey. Some prey will become frozen in fear if caught within the 5 mile radius of the roar path. Then so easily the lion can come and pluck up its prey...OR a lion will often roar right before it leaps and attacks its prey. Lion's are stealth like and quiet until right before so as to ensure a kill or meal. To study a lion is actually quite fascinating and then to even study this scripture and see where else it leads in the word.

(I love using "e-sword" and having access to commentaries and different translations and such as well as multiple dictionary's and translators from Hebrew to Greek, etc. - Helps a lot!)

So, to really look at what this is saying...our enemy, the Devil, Satan, and all his minions/demons, they are always in hunt mode trying to prey on the weak...those who don't know God or Jesus are easier prey, those Christians who don't understand relationship with the Lord are easy prey, those Christians who live life justifying every action are easy prey, those Christians who walk around with a seared conscious, walking according to their emotions, their flesh, are easier prey...WHAT ARE YOU? Are you an easy prey? Hmmmm....

When we lose focus on Jesus, and are not walking by the Holy Spirit, than we become an easier prey...Lions don't have to work so hard for their meals...and they tend to travel in packs to make it even easier to overpower their prey. The enemy's sole purpose is to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10). Being "Sober and Vigilant" means to be watchful and on alert at all if you knew you were in danger you would be watching your back, your sides, everywhere right? Lol! We must be on guard because the enemy DOES NOT STOP...he is waiting for a moment to pounce on you when you are not watching. He will wait for the right time just as the lion does, then he will sneak in and KILL!!!

How does this connect to the first scripture about eagles wings? Well, I'll tell you...this is my revelation: A lion, the enemy, roams about seeking whom he may devour. A lion, the enemy, is bound to the ground. He is limited to the kinds of prey it can capture and hunt, although it is a pretty vast list. If we, as Christians, following after Christ, living according to the Word of God, walking in relationship with the Lord, are compared to eagles...and we know eagles to be powerful creatures...see where I am going. OK, let me expound a bit. An eagle can soar HIGHER than any other bird or flying creature. If we are compared to an eagle, especially in saying that when we are strengthened by the Lord we will mount up like eagles wings...that is saying that WE ARE NOT BOUND TO THE GROUND!!! If we are walking soberly and vigilant, than when we sense danger nearing than we can MOUNT UP like the wings of eagles and SOAR HIGHER and closer with our Lord...

I hope you realize the POWER behind what I just said...we need to start KNOWING what we have been given, what we are capable of, what we have access to as joint-heirs (sharing in the same power and authority) with Christ. We need to walk in THE BELIEVER'S AUTHORITY! God has given us Dominion...

Again I ask you...WHAT ARE YOU? An easy prey, bound to the ground - or - a mighty eagle mounting up your wings and soaring high with the Lord?!?!?!?

:) Christina (:

Thursday, April 22, 2010


"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
(Psalms 119:105)

I found this quote that said, "We don't walk spiritually by electric light, but by a hand-held lantern. And a lantern shows only the next step --- not several steps ahead".

This really got me thinking...

We often, as a society of people, look for the "quickest, easiest, way" to do something. It is proven in every gadget we ever create or even the technology we use. We want everything to be ready for us instead of us waiting for something. We want fast money, fast food (at restaurants), fast services, fast Internet...we get impatient in waiting but we also expect the best quality in the!

So, I was thinking about how it by the one of those "easier" ways of enjoying something natural. Before electricity or light, we would only be able to utilize the natural light and that meant waking up at dawn to have time to get all the work done before dusk. But with electricity we go to bed whenever and wake up whenever...

(On another note: There is evidence pointing to people in earlier years having a much wider spectrum of vision from ultra-violet to infra-red and that the whole theory of us getting smarter with advancements in technology is completely inaccurate and we are actually getting less smart...not calling anyone stupid...just saying that we are not advancing as though it may appear. Evolution and its ridiculous thought that we are evolving when we are really devolving is so false. Even Darwin himself completely recants his theory but they won't tell you that...before he died he said he was wrong and that He believed God to be the creator...if you take ARMOUR BEARERS Level One you could learn all these controversies and conspiracies and how the bible proves them all wrong and that their is evidence out there that is so stuffed and hidden so as to keep us in the dark that really always points back to the bible that our society and government is trying to take away...OK I'm done with that side-note for now...take Armour Bearers, the next semester starts in September/October...) point for this whole post today was that we need to stop going towards the easier things and go towards the more natural things that are the key to our spiritual walk. Now I am not saying go be a super "Green", "all-natural" "eco-friendly" extra over the top type of person, not that trying to save the earth is wrong but that isn't my point. But knowing that God does things purposefully...a lantern--using a natural light source---fire--shows us our next step. It keeps our focus on that step so that we can fulfill that step. Knowing everything in advance, however much we think we need that, would only have us getting in the way with our own thoughts, ideas, and strategies, and not relying on God. It's that need for control thing we have issue with and why we have a hard time fully trusting God to be in control. We are in the woods surrounded by trees trying to find the best way out and we go this way and that...all God is saying is trust me because I have the aerial view and can see all entry and exit points and I can see what dangers lie ahead at each corner. If we trusted him to guide us by His word, which is his voice, than step by step He would direct us out and into fulfillment of our purpose and destiny with Him.

I so easily go off track from the original point because there are so many things a big tree with branches that have branches that have branches...I must remember where the main part of the tree is! LOL!

Hopefully you were encouraged or stirred up in some way...
Loves & Hugs,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What A Day...

Wow! Today has been absolutely fabulous! It all started with a nap...
After waking up this morning to get the boys up, ready, and off to school I came back in bed and got on the computer for a bit to start a blog post. I was going to exhort on a scripture. Then Jerry brought me a letter from my Grandma and inside was a check for $100...what??!!?? She just was thinking about me and wanted to bless me. Random? Maybe! Or maybe God ordered! I was so touched by that so I wrote her a letter to send to her. Then I got super tired and Jae was still asleep so I decided to take advantage of that and take a nap for a little. The nap was nice and long and Jae oddly...or not...slept in for a good long while. I woke up to her next to me talking about well I'm not sure, I was still groggy. I then responded to some phone messages and got stirred in my spirit which led to some out pour of the word which led to some in pour of reading the word. So good! Of course, you can't be on the computer without FB calling out to you. My phone was showing FB alerts so I got on to check it out. Well...that led to random weirdness, lots of giggles, and odd comments. Haha, I couldn't help myself but maybe I just felt so great after being able to recharge. I am so thankful that God provided that opportunity and orchestrated everything just so for the day.

Now to the even cooler part...

So later on my mom feels led to give me a much needed "break" and I could choose how to spend it. Normally, Jerry has his guys night and I enjoy a night of LOST and V and ME TIME! I was gonna spend time with my pal, but that wasn't meant to be for this night. Jerry offered to spend time with me but I didn't want to disturb "his" time, because I understand the importance of it even if I do desire his time to myself! :) Anyways, I came up with a plan for myself. I was going to go to Barnes N' Nobles and do some homework and possibly see the movie "Date Night" I NEVER EVER GO TO THE MOVIES ALONE OR REALLY SPEND TIME ALONE outside of maybe going to Target or some other local store to find some clothes or something. I love time WITH someone much more. BUT, I knew that I could do it and it would probably be a wonderful time for myself. I go to B&N and end up running into my 2 friends who are coincidentally....or not....going to see the same movie I was contemplating going to see at the same time. They invited me along so I enjoyed the time with them and then ended my night at B&N getting homework done until Jerry came to pick me up (my mom had dropped me off on the way to taking Cedg to practice for me).

All in all, this has been so great and I feel great! I am going to do this more often when I can....change of scenery, change of pace, and some good time for me!

It's important to take care of YOU in the midst of taking care of everyone else. recharge happens in so many ways. I recharged with a nap and me time for my body and mind as well as recharging my spirit with the word...sounds super balanced and super great to me! :)

Now I am awake from my late night coffee and I think some melatonin and a good night sleep will top me off...


Loves and Hugs,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blah Blahblah Blah Blah...

Soooooooo....I don't really have anything specific to say, but I am a bit bored and Jerry is watching tutorials for this new software. I don't know how he does this...I know many people "self-teach" themselves this way, but not me. I don't have the patience. Just give me the steps already and say,"do this, this, and this" and I'll be on my way...haha! Or maybe to see written instruction I can apply...something! Haha! Weird and random right? I know, I know!

I am coming to terms with my randomness and although we really do have the power to "help it"...I can't help it! LOL! It's not random if you were in the trail of thoughts that led to what comes out of my mouth. I often do this in mid-conversation and I'm sorry to those who have had to endure and thankful for the help re trailing back to the original point...I get lost and forget why I told a story that led to a story that led to a experience that led to something...haha!

Ok, I can see that this randomness problem I have is affecting me even now...Help! :)

I want to giggle and cry and I'm not quite sure all in one type emotions right now...It's hard to be like this. Ok, here is a random something...when you read things I write, do you ever think that I use lots of ( Well, do ya? I do! They always seem appropriate and everything I do is usually pretty intentional even if you may not see it. Anyhoo...I think for me the (dot, dot, dots) represent my thought trails...all the things I am writing or saying in my head are connected so I can't just make a whole new sentence until that particular thought has ended. I need to "feel" the end. My "feelings" often get in my way. I try to beat them into submission but then that brings other feelings...I get trapped a lot!

Hahahah (I'm laughing because it's another random thought coming...) anyhoo...I use the word or words or whatever "a lot" because sometimes that' what I was thinking and that seems to fit best. I will never forget my Freshman and Sophomore English teacher...oh wait I forgot His name...dang it!!!! Well, I will never forget what He told me...Oh yeah...Mr. Turner, that's right! Whenever we would turn in a paper he would not accept the word(s) "a lot". He said if we absolutely had to use it than it must be used sparingly and seperated into 2 words. He said "alot" was not a word. Well why the heck not. I have ALOT on my mind, ALOT is going on in my life, I have ALOT to say...ok I'm done.

I get bored easy with some of my thoughts...does this constant randomness make it hard to follow me? Or Follow Me? Hmmmm...did I perhaps throw you off....ok I'm sorry I am goofy...didn't I already say this before? I think so! I just meant follow me while you are reading as in understand and can keep up with my randomness OR follow me like a follower of my blog.

Alright, I will be done for now. I just needed to write and get out of my own head. It helps me to calm and rest my mind.

If you have been "following" or reading than thanks. I hope you get a glimpse of me. Be ready for anything. You never know if you will get my randomness or a purposeful word from God...whatever comes out, comes out! Don't put a box around my blog yet because I try to remain outside of any boxes always so I can let God work through me.

Alright, now I am done...if I don't stop now I will write forever from one thought to the next.

Loves and Hugs,
Christina Carroll

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So today as I sat at Cedric's basketball game my mind was going (as usual). I feel so young in comparison to most of the parents that have 10+year old kids. It's probably the only time I feel young. I usually feel old as I get closer to 30. Now to you that may not be old but I have been doing this since 16 so I am like 10years up in the game...haha! Ok, back on track...

Anyhoo, I was watching all the parents and I think, man they always seem so happy and more patient than I am...I started thinking about people who relax with a nice "drink" and most of the parents of the team do drink. Is this the key, the answer to looking like a calm, happy, super patient parent? I don't drink and I was thinking about how cool it is that I have My God to rely on and go to for a lasting peace, comfort, joy, strength, whatever I need. That is much more fulfilling than a temporary drink that only masks the feelings and doesn't take them from you. But then that made me think about how we often DON'T go to God but go to other things instead...drinks, entertainment, food, shopping, coffee...oooh I love me some coffee....yum-o!!!!

As God's people we have HIM! We need to start going to Him first...if we did this more often than we wouldn't feel the need to run to things as much because as your relationship grows with God, you transform from thinking with the mind of your flesh and you begin seeing from His perspective and aligning your thoughts with His. You don't see things as you do now but your heart, your mind, everything in you changes....that sounds like a better, more lasting deal than a temporary fix that you can easily get in the world. Even cooler...with God it's free because Jesus already paid the price...

Just my thoughts...

To Plan Or Not To Plan...

You know how when you have a "plan" and then it all goes out the window....LOL! Well, when you tell God that you are open to let Him come in and do what He does than you need to know that YOUR plans often go out the window...

Friday Night, last night, was AWESOMAZING once again!!! Once you have one awesomazing encounter with God, it's hard to get all the way out of the way to make room for another. We, tend to try and duplicate something that produced great results but when we do this with God than we box Him in. Worship, prayer, music, whatever it is cannot be defined or boxed in to an idea based on an experience. We must every time be open, not thinking on before but watching the now!

I had a "plan" and ALL of it went out the window BUT and that's a super BIG BUT...(lol)...God showed up and met my Great Expectancy. I was waiting for something to happen although I did not know what. To be expectant doesn't mean that we know the exacts. I am expectant that God will show up and move unlike He has before, each time I encounter Him. There are no limits with God. No walls, no boundaries, no outline that says God comes this way at this time. It's coming to that place where you are open always to let God move through you, upon you, and around you. The moment I try to box God in and tell Him how to come is the moment I have failed!

Friday Night Radiant YOUTH...I really have no words that fully describe what God is doing with all of us. It takes work to push past myself and keep the box from coming up to define what I think or want our service, our worship to look like. Jerry and I have been given a mandated vision from God to carry out. We are "AWAKENING A GENERATION THAT WILL IMPACT THIS NATION!" That is our vision. It's time for us to awaken to God's voice, His call for our lives so that we may walk in fulfillment to that which He has purposed us for. We all have a purpose whether we choice to believe it or follow it. God doesn't create life to waste life. To each and every thing there is a purpose. Every bug, as annoying and disgusting, has a part to play in the entire creation. Each creation does something that affects something else that affects something else that without it life wouldn't be life. God is so intricate in the details of His designs. Just look at the beginning of life from an egg and sperm to all of us. Our bodies, the way they function, how they work, how mothers bodies know to produce milk at what time and...aaaah to think about it blows me away. Now I can't say I understand or agree with cockroaches or ants or bees that seem to invade my space quite often, BUT...(another Big one, haha, couldn't resist)...But, I know that without them doing their part life wouldn't be life. I also know that you can find an example, a spiritual correlation that can be applied to your life.

Oh yes...ants for example...very determined creatures, it talks of them in the scriptures. Look at an ant or a colony of ants, how they act, react, build, live, press forward no matter what tries to stop them. In everything we can find God showing us something but it' up to us to take it and apply it or toss it away. Hmmmm....what to do???

Until later,

Friday, April 16, 2010

Butterfly Tickles

I have Butterflies in my tummy...LOL! I think it's more anticipation than nervousness but this fluttering is lingering! It's kind of a funny bone type of tickle...not so much a giggly tickle but a weird uncomfortable and uncontrollable feeling.

I am in such anticipation for all the "new" that God is bringing forth. This week has challenged me in a very "new" way and has presented an opportunity for me to grow in my relationship with God. I am learning a total of 6 "new" songs this week, 3 of them at Youth and 3 of them at Main. They are all songs I am hearing and learning for the first time. Whether I am leading a song or just singing with the team, worship is very serious to me. Worship is a lifestyle not just something I do. It's my calling! I am called to be a Worshipper, and a Worship Leader. Worship, simply put is my connection with God. I have many different expressions of worship that I use to connect and reverence the Lord. I worship through singing a song, singing prophetically, praying, writing, dancing(but only to myself-for now), speaking, teaching, etc. Everything I do comes back to worship...OK not everything but I try to have it be most things. Worship is my life! It is what I live Worship the Lord God! To honor and reverence Him, giving Him the glory due unto His name.

So, because of all the "new" with songs and direction, and being propelled forward at an extremely fast pace, I am left with the BUTTERFLY TICKLES! :)

With Great Expectancy I await tonight's Radiant YOUTH Night. I know God is going to show up and bring His presence into that place as we pray and sing and dance and worship Him. We are at 14 services since our launch in January. It's remarkable to look at all that God has done in really that short 3 months, and all He is going to do as we keep moving forward. Amazingly, since the first service until now, we average about 40-60 Youth. That blows me away, and we are still growing. We are considering moving into the sanctuary soon instead of the Fellowship/Chapel Room we are in now. We can barely fit in their anymore. Worship needs more and more room as my Youthers open up to the presence of God. All I can really say is WOW God, You are awesome!

The 3 keys to fulfillment of the vision is to:
1st- Never Loose Sight of the Vision
(constantly reevaluate where you are and what you are doing and don't soon forget why you are doing it...bring it back to what God gave you!)
2nd- Make sure the people agree with, believe in, and can carry out the Vision
(If your team does not believe in and agree with the vision than how can they carry it out. If this truly is a vision from God and those who are called to help it come to fruition than even in your absence they should be able to carry it's God's vision first!)
3rd- Never Settle For BUT Always Expect More!
(Never get to the place where you are satisfied with where you are, not even in just one area, always be open, welcoming, and expecting of More that God will do, take the box, the limits off!)

Alright, that is my shhppeeeal for the day...LOL! This is to be continued after an amazing night...
Loves and Hugs,
Christina :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The PUSH...

Ok so I'm feeling "the press" and I know I HAVE to push. It's so hard right now because once you have shifted your focus, even for a moment, you are overtaken, and fighting your way back up is much harder. You are now fighting against the waves. Maybe what I'm really feeling is myself fighting to NOT shift my focus. Maybe I am focused on Jesus! Yes, yes I am...I must speak it! It's the truth. There is this lie thing that the enemy keeps wanting me to believe, wanting God's people to believe. I think I am feeling "the fighting" feeling. I know my spirit is in battle against all that is trying to come against me. Lord, show me if I need to push in prayer or sleep and rest naturally the rest of this week. I know I need both but I'm not sure of which one when. I need You to lead me. Father, I desire only to be led by You, by Your Spirit in me.
So much opposition coming against me, against my ministries, against what I stand for, believe for, trust in! I KNOW Your word. I will press in and push and I will study to show myself approved, and be sober AND vigilant because I am awake and aware that the enemy is trying to attack me with fear and confusion as a lion to it's prey and I WILL NOT succumb to that attack. I am more than a lion. I am an eagle and I will not stay bound to the ground but I will soar higher and higher with God. I WILL NOT be defeated nor taken down! I WILL NOT be distracted or destroyed! I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR, BUT I AM MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS, CASTING DOWN ALL VAIN IMAGINATIONS! Pushing aside all that rises up against me, I RISE in Victory against it and I will prevail because God said He fights my battles and He already won!!! I am in HIM!!! I already feel God's peace and comfort flowing over me. God says why don't you declare over yourself My word that you would stand up and walk in victory. No more do I need to be held down by that which has illeal authority over me but I am right now rising up! I will fight! I will not give in or give up! I will move forward! I will advance into ALL the places God has ordered my feet to tread upon. No one, no person, principality or darkness can detour me because I KNOW who I stand for! I stand for the Almighty God, the Great Omnipotent, Faithful, Awesome, Powerful God!!! I am in You Father!!! I am strong in You! I can do all things in You.
Not by my own strength but by Your ever increasing strength in me! Yes! Yes! Yes! Moving Forward in You! Yes!!! I'm coming God! All Poured Out To You!!! All of me! I will not hold back any of me! Fill me up so that I might pour out! Fill me up with a continual inpouring and outpouring. Let the well not run dry but be filled with Your Life everlasting!!! New places, new in You, fresh manna! I receive Your word Father! I receive You, all of You in my life! I am in You!!!

Christina :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I find it fascinating that I have been at a loss for words this week. I keep trying to write but I can't seem to put to words what I'm thinking and feeling. This is normal though. My mind may not turn off but to articulate or organize outside of my head what's going on in there is not always so easy. Sometimes I NEED to get it out to keep from going crazy but I can do nothing to change it. It comes out when it's time. It's like a good poop....yes I just said can't force it out when it's not ready because all you will be doing is pushing with no result or an unfulfilled one anyways. However, if you just wait, it all comes out leaving with a good, SIGH of completion! I just sighed right now after I wrote that...haha!

Ok, so maybe I should forewarn that this is uncensored, raw, straight from my mind to the keyboard. Well maybe I don't say EVERYTHING on my mind but I am a pretty open person. Growing up people always thought I was stuck up because I was quiet I guess. I'm not really sure why because I am far from stuck up....even Jerry my hubby thought that of me before getting to know rude but whatever! So, I am quiet because I am melancholy, but when I have something to say and feel comfortable saying it then the novels begin to pour out and then people probably want me to shut up. The moral of the story is, don't complain about me being quiet because you might just get an overloaded earful of the outpouring of my thoughts.

I am hoping that by using my blog as an outlet, alongside the multiple other writings I do, that I won't talk to sleep all of my fam and friends. Sadly, I do tend to put people to sleep after awhile (hours of conversation) and I refuse to accept that my voice is lulling...but it's all good because I have awesomazing conversations with people all the time. I hid behind my voice so long from insecurity of being rejected and now I know the purpose for my "Voice" and I am not afraid to let it come out when it is supposed to.

Not all of these entries will be so scattered...I do get good word or revelation or insight or whatever on many things. BUT it does feel good to empty out my brain a little.

I have been practicing like crazy just in these 2 days this week. I have 2 new songs for Friday night at Youth plus one more I am doing that is going with the message of the speaker. Then I have 3 new songs for the main worship team for Sunday. I actually need to be ready tomorrow so that hasn't left much time. This is the first week where I have to work super hard for both worship teams. Usually we are doing songs I already know or mostly know in both or at least in one. Ok, so I can do this. I CAN DO THIS!!!

Random switch of topic...Cedg my oldest has AIMS testing (boo) this week BUT he has NO HOMEWORK which is making my week super great!!! Tonight it usually MY NIGHT to do whatever I want at home. Jerry has his faithful, never breaking even if I'm sick, "Guys Night" every Tuesday. Often times he will just leave to work and then stay gone until after his hang time. Sometimes it makes me sad because I miss him and very much enjoy time with him but at the same time I am so glad he has the opportunity to get some "HIM" time. It makes for a pleasant hubby! He carries a big load of responsibility as the working one in our fam. Being a SAHM has its advantages and sacrifices. I get ME time on Tuesday night and the kids just hang out and have their own down time and tv time before bed. I try and enjoy some fav foods I like and then watch my shows LOST and V or do my homework or read a book or practice my music or write the newsletter or something I decide I want to do. Then when I can I get friend hang time, mom hang time, sis hang time, or date night hang time. I may be a SAHM but I also have many duties. My plate is very full and God keeps adding to it. I find myself constantly have to rearrange all I carry so that I don't drop it all. Well, what I mean by that is I see myself carrying all these let's say groceries and I am running or walking, making my way to the finish line of completion. As I am moving forward more is being added to what I am carrying and in order not to drop it all I must rearrange how I am holding it. I can't stop going forward, I can't put any of the things down, and I must finish the race and reach my destination. I am ok with it because it is God but it definitely takes some work. I am the busiest I have ever been in my life but it's the best busy I could ever be.

So, I guess for now I will stop because I don't want to bore anyone with the length of my writing. But simply put it is My Life Written!

God bless and have a empowering, filled with joy kinda week...until the next time...which could be anytime...even later tonight, probably not but it's possible...but probably case I just have to share something and can't wait. Ok,....Bye!

Loves and Hugs,

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow! I have been talking about creating a blog for so long and now I finally have! I must say, I am a bit excited! I often tell people that I was not created with an "OFF" switch because my brain, my thoughts, they are always going. It can definitely be now for example...instead of sleeping when I know I have to wake up early, my mind is on a mission to Thoughtville.

I need an outlet and for me it's writting. Writing is only one piece of me, but it has definitely grown into a very Large piece.

Anyways, before I ramble on with my thoughts too much, I thought I would share a little or a lot about myself...

Well let's make bullet points...LOL!
*My name is Christina
*I am 27 years old
*I'm a wife of 10+ years to the love of my life Jerry
*I'm a mommy of 3 what I call monkies, 2 boys and 1 girl: Cedric -10, Camron - 7, Jaeana - 4
*I have had the privelledge of being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) for the past 6+ years
*I am a Biblical Christian - believer and follower of the Gospel - Christ
*I am a YOUTH Pastor at Radiant Life Church alongside my Hubby
*I am a Worship Leader
*I am a Writer
*I love to Sing
*I am beginning the steps to the dream of my own Coffeeshop Cafe
*I am a soon to be Armour Bearers graduate and then hopefully soon after will have my Bachelor's Degree in Theology
*I have a list of "Who I am's" that could possibly go on forever as I am still discovering new things about myself

So let me stop there for now...
One HUGE thing about me is that I can write and write and write and write guessed it...WRITE! I just can't help myself. Once I get started it POURS out of me. Sometimes it's ramble and other times it's a prophetic word or encouragement or just my heart on paper or computer...LOL! Hahaha!

The best thing about me is that I can laugh at myself...ok well maybe that isn't the best thing but I think it's definitely a good quality and characteristic to have and I feel like it makes me special. I have had many "Not-Laughing" moments so I cherish the Laughing ones whenever possible. There is so much to Who I Am that I could write Book(S)! I probably will one day...that is another one of my dreams.

My hopes with this blog, besides freeing my thoughts from the captivity of my head, is to encourage, inspire, provoke, stir up, awaken, uplift, cause to think, all who read this. I desire to make impact, positive impact on the lives of many as God has called me according to His Purpose. I was created for worship!!! It is what I live for! My worship is my life!
My worship is my song, my voice, my writing, my dancing, my whatever pours out of me to God and keeps me connected with Him and aligned with Him and honoring Him.