Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow! I have been talking about creating a blog for so long and now I finally have! I must say, I am a bit excited! I often tell people that I was not created with an "OFF" switch because my brain, my thoughts, they are always going. It can definitely be now for example...instead of sleeping when I know I have to wake up early, my mind is on a mission to Thoughtville.

I need an outlet and for me it's writting. Writing is only one piece of me, but it has definitely grown into a very Large piece.

Anyways, before I ramble on with my thoughts too much, I thought I would share a little or a lot about myself...

Well let's make bullet points...LOL!
*My name is Christina
*I am 27 years old
*I'm a wife of 10+ years to the love of my life Jerry
*I'm a mommy of 3 what I call monkies, 2 boys and 1 girl: Cedric -10, Camron - 7, Jaeana - 4
*I have had the privelledge of being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) for the past 6+ years
*I am a Biblical Christian - believer and follower of the Gospel - Christ
*I am a YOUTH Pastor at Radiant Life Church alongside my Hubby
*I am a Worship Leader
*I am a Writer
*I love to Sing
*I am beginning the steps to the dream of my own Coffeeshop Cafe
*I am a soon to be Armour Bearers graduate and then hopefully soon after will have my Bachelor's Degree in Theology
*I have a list of "Who I am's" that could possibly go on forever as I am still discovering new things about myself

So let me stop there for now...
One HUGE thing about me is that I can write and write and write and write guessed it...WRITE! I just can't help myself. Once I get started it POURS out of me. Sometimes it's ramble and other times it's a prophetic word or encouragement or just my heart on paper or computer...LOL! Hahaha!

The best thing about me is that I can laugh at myself...ok well maybe that isn't the best thing but I think it's definitely a good quality and characteristic to have and I feel like it makes me special. I have had many "Not-Laughing" moments so I cherish the Laughing ones whenever possible. There is so much to Who I Am that I could write Book(S)! I probably will one day...that is another one of my dreams.

My hopes with this blog, besides freeing my thoughts from the captivity of my head, is to encourage, inspire, provoke, stir up, awaken, uplift, cause to think, all who read this. I desire to make impact, positive impact on the lives of many as God has called me according to His Purpose. I was created for worship!!! It is what I live for! My worship is my life!
My worship is my song, my voice, my writing, my dancing, my whatever pours out of me to God and keeps me connected with Him and aligned with Him and honoring Him.


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