Tuesday, August 2, 2011

7 Day Diva Detox: Day 1 & 2

I have begun a 7 Day Detox Cleanse and this is my journey....I thought I'd take you along for the ride. Here are Days 1 and 2...

7 Day Diva Detox Journal

Day 1 : 7 Day Diva Detox
11:35am - August 1st, 2011

Well after being awakened at 6am to the mornings "pee in the bed crisis", I somehow managed to fall back asleep off and on, experiencing heavy dreaming, only to awaken abruptly at 11:30am fully and completely wide eyed (with that startled feeling lingering). 
Today is my water only fast day until tonight when I can indulge on some delicious fruit. I didn't eat much yesterday and I'm not at all hungry yet today...although I know I do need to drink some water soon. I'm excited to reclaim my stolen energy and find a new and fresh glow. I have already had a couple "second thought" feelings and I haven't even experienced any cravings yet. The mind is a powerful thing....but I have fasted before, I have quit particular items for long periods of time before. I know I can do this! Gotta push past my flesh and make my body even more healthy...I'm doing this for you temple! You will thank me when I'm done! As for you negative thoughts, releasing toxins, and reconstructive cravings...you will not prevail! 7 Days....I can do this! 

My Monofruit Meal Choice for this evening is: Kiwi

Well Tata for now,

Day 2: 7 Day Diva Detox
2:09pm - August 2nd, 2011

Another morning being awakened at 6am...this time its dealing with our son the "sneak"...I guess I can chalk this up to school starts next week and as much as I don't want to get up that early yet, I guess I can no longer fight the inevitable....last night I had the worst headache from caffeine withdrawals. These toxins releasing is hardcore stuff, but it's been worse so I can handle it. My good friend Amy is doing this Detox with me and it sure helps to share back and forth our experiences. We both agree it's like split personality syndrome...."yes this is good", "Mmmm...coffee...!", "Ah green smoothies", "mmmm, chips and guacamole please with rice and cooked peas!", "this is so good for me!", "oh just one bite of that ice cream sandwich that I'm not supposed to have anytime....mmmm....coffee!" hahaha

Yet here I am being successful, surprisingly not so hungry, and making my way to a better me. Day 2 almost over...I'm wondering what the effects of introducing coffee back in will be like. I don't want to kick that away completely and I already began to lessen my intake. I don't really eat all that bad now, I just felt like my body needed something more. I should do this little detox every so often throughout the year, maybe even as a Daniels fast because it sure does fit the category of pulse and water...um but 21 Days is a long time...lol, ok maybe using these methods along side of some grains/seeds/nuts and cooked veggies too...

My food today:

Lots of Water

Breakfast was a Monofruit Meal: Canteloupe
Lunch was a Green Smoothie + Veggie Pickers:
My Green Smoothies Recipe
1 organic sliced banana
1 1/2 cups organic frozen mango chunks
1 organic frozen strawberry
4 organic frozen raspberries
Handful of Organic Baby Spinach
3 Mint leaves
A little water
Blended using a celery stalk to stir and then eating that celery as my Veggie Picker

Tonight's Evening Meal is a Big Green Salad:
I'll dice up some assorted peppers, use Romaine and Baby Spinach leaves, and then toss in some other assorted veggies I pick

This is a RAW Detox by the way...the recipes are endless and beyond anything I would have even imagined to try...this may only be a 7 Day Detox, but I will definitely be continuing on exploring RAW recipes.

Well back to it then,