Saturday, August 6, 2011


Continuing to read in the book of Revelation...

The revelations God has been awakening me to are enlarging like a growing flame and I am becoming increasingly stirred in my spirit. I asked for Him to come. I asked Him to meet with me. He has answered as He is Most Faithful One. I began feeling blue, or melancholy this evening. I was determined though to press past that and find Him! It's like you and the Lord are walking along the way and all of a sudden a crowd begins to appear. The people are pushing and shoving, my Master and I have gotten separated, although I still see glimpses of Him...I must get to Him, I must grab His garment, His hand. I must get past these people and get to Him. The people, the crowd, it's the junk in my mind, my own emotions, my own will, my own Self-Life and not my Life in Him. It represents the Life that often causes us to feel separated from His presence at times. Without warning crowds appear and disappear. Your surroundings keep changing, like you're stuck in some awful nightmare of weird flash scenes. There are always 2 constants...You and Jesus. Remember that and you will remain victorious, not without battle, but victorious every time. 

I have grabbed hold of Jesus, My God, My King, My Lord, My Savior, My Everything...and I am not losing Him! Oh Devil, did you think this an easy win? How mistaken you are! Watch and is I who is victorious in Jesus Christ, for He is mine and I am His! And through Him, every mountain, every valley, every storm, every rain, is in HIS HANDS! I surrender to Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God! Here I am Father, whole heartedly I deny myself and follow You. It is Your voice I hear and none other shall I follow, not even my own! I trust in You Abba and my love grows for You and in You. Thank You Daddy! Love Your Daughter, Christina.

Be encouraged tonight friends....God is with You where ever you go!

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