Friday, August 26, 2011


I was re-reading "The Torch and the Sword" this morning and this passage stuck out to me so strongly. I thought I would share it with you in hopes of it touching your heart and causing you to desire to push forward more fervently as it is doing for me.

"The fire burns, but what you lack is discipline and endurance. You walk adequately for short periods. Now you must learn to walk with endurance. You must resolve to walk in each day on the domain over which the Lord has given you to rule. He has given you authority, but you must walk with Him in your domain. Only then will you be fruitful and multiply as you are called. Your domain is your garden. The path of life always leads to unity and harmony-with God first, and then with all that is His. This takes strength and endurance because the whole creation is now in discord and opposes unity."

Discipline: to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.

Endurance: the ability or strength to continue or last especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions.

May we all run with endurance this race set before us. In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!

Loves and Hugs,

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