Monday, September 12, 2011

Search and Examine...

Have you ever looked at a person and wondered what in the heck they saw when they looked in the mirror before going out? Honestly, I have! Don't judge me for it, most of us have thought that about somebody at some point, whether they were people you knew, friends, family, or just a random stranger you saw that day. It could have been their clothing, style, hair, makeup, anything that made you think. I mean, geesh, don't they see that those clothes don't fit them or look flattering on them in any way. I would love to see the mental picture snapshot of others. Some people look in the mirror and see the total opposite of what they actually are. Obese people see skinny, skinny people see fat, fit people see flab, flabby people see firmness, either that or they think that showing all the skin jiggles looks good. I don't know what people think. I look at old pictures of myself over the years and I'm mortified that I ever thought some of those styles looked in the least bit cute...oh man! I went out of the house looking that way...ahhhh and yikes! "But such were some of you..." LOL! 

Sadly, it's not only my skewed sight about my appearance that has been off. I think we "see" ourselves one way in how we live our lives, maybe even convince ourselves we look like something when in fact we don't. Is it possible that our perception of our spiritual life and walk with Christ is also skewed and not just with our styles and wardrobe? That's a far scarier realization to me than the latter. If we believe we are one way, when in fact we may not be, I fear we close ourselves off to the transformation that needs to take place in us. 

"Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God,  even  the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]." (Romans 12:2 AMP)

We are to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds...if our thoughts(our minds) have a skewed perception of what we look like, act like, and who we are, how can we renew anything? 

Over the years God has healed and delivered me from my old self into the new creature I am now, walking in more boldness and confidence in who I am, and owning the authority as a believer that He has given me. I began to let go of the things which held me down most of my life, Fear, Depression, Anger, Insecurity and Self-Worth Issues, and many more huge road blocks in my life. Letting go is a process! It's a road of continually choosing to say no to those things and yes to God! Basically saying No to your Flesh, your own will, your own desires, your own thoughts, and yes to the Spirit, God's will and purpose for your life. Definitely not the easiest journey! 

My point in all of this is that just as we so easily wonder about people's perceptions of themselves, we should really examine our own perception of ourselves. Sometimes, even though we have worked through and began to overcome many of our shortcomings, we can just as easily settle into a perception of how we now look. Yes, I have overcome Fear in my life, but God is showing other areas where Fear still needs to be weeded out. I often say that if God were to show us everything we needed to change all at once we would literally explode. Instead, in His graciousness and love for us, He gently reveals each layer we must shed in order to look more like Him, more like who He created us to be. 

I see not, unless God first removes the cloak of deception from my eyes. If I am to change, if I am to be transformed, if I am to become more like Him, if I am to fulfill His purpose for my life then I must pray as King David prayed to God...

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23, 24 KJV)

"Better is One Day..."

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff! being honest with ourselves is the only way that we'll ever be changed. I've always understood lying to others but I've never understood lying to myself... yet I've done it before! haha. So many people lie to themselves for so long that when they hear the truth, their deception doesn't allow them to receive it. Lord help us!
