Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DAY 19 of 21 Days....

This journey is coming to an end, but another one will soon be picking back up...why stop? Haha! Well, October 11th-31st we will be doing an ALL CHURCH - Daniel's Fast for our "Big Day" Event coming up the last weekend of October. It's October 29th-31st and it's our first annual Magmus Opus event of the Arts and many other things. This years theme is called RANSOMED. It will be super edgy, super awesome, and super - you won't wanna miss this - good! So ending one fast for one list of things and starting another fast for another list of things. This is a lotta close with God and a lotta I like it!!! :)

I debated WHEN I would write this today. I have had an eventful day. Not the kind of eventful I'm used to having but a day filled with HAPPY MOMENTS. That's always great right? So I woke up this morning like usual and got the kids ready for school. It was a late night last night because we had a meeting at church which made for some sleepy kiddos, but we got up and out just fine. As I was driving home (I get lots of ideas while driving home, it's my 2 minutes alone of pondering) I was thinking how it seemed like a day to workout. I didn't really feel like going to the gym though but productive behavior was needed. I came home and saw Cedg off to his school. Jerry was still asleep and I had wanted to try my creativity at some smoothie ideas my lovely friend Bridgette had sparked in me. I gathered my "workout" ready self and worked myself out in the store while I took my sweet time for about an hour. To my amazement Jerry had not called to see where I was so I figured he was still asleep and he was. He went to bed at like 4:30am working on Web & Work stuff...my little computer nerd! I cleaned up the casa a bit and prepared all my smoothie stuff. I tried not to make too much noise. I needed to use my berries before they went bad so I mixed raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries with freshly juiced Cucumber, hand squeezed lemon juice and ice....it was a super delicious creation I thoroughly enjoyed which added to my Happy Moments List. My store time was great, my store picks were great, and now my smoothie was great. I went to check the mailbox after cleaning my mess and when I walked back in the house it smelled of bleach and clean and the candles I was burning. Happy Moment again....oh yeah! The smell of clean makes me SOOO happy!!! Not sweaty stinky shoes piled by the door, or piles of dirty clothes and socks strewn about by all 4 of the other people in this house, piles of papers were neatly stacked, couches were straightened, desk was visible, floors were vacuumed....everything in the front part of the house was in order. Jerry had still been asleep but when I walked by to start laundry he was beginning to wake up. The day was flying by but that was cool cuz I was happy! He went straight to working again on his computer and I began working myself on the computer. The hours were really speeding by. We made a quick post office run somewhere in there I think. I totally just followed along for no reason. Then I remembered I needed to chat with my friend about some stuff she wanted to talk about which turned into a random Workout after all...I walked to her casa which isn't too far from me and then our chat turned into a Walk n' Chat around the nearby neighborhoods I used to live in a long time ago...good chat, good walk, got my workout in after all and that created more happy moments for me and a little bit, well a lot actually sweatiness. :)

I am all stocked up on my K-Cups for my Keurig which I haven't had in a while. I was just using the filter basket with my own ground coffee.....Oh have I missed you K-Cups and your perfect easiness!!!! LOL! Ooh I also made a delicious meal for myself before my walk too....I diced up a fresh potato in some Olive Oil and then added freshly chopped mushrooms and some diced pepperoni and made myself 2 eggs over hard (fried both sides)....ahhhh yum and I can eat it all with no allergy worries! YAY! Victory among the Happiness!!!! Had to throw that in....actually 2 victories with that yum smoothie!

I'm pretty sure that Satan wanted to ruin my Happy Moments  and Victorious Day because like every other day I went to pick up the kids and I parked along the street side----with EVERY OTHER CAR mind you. Now I know that the sign says No stopping anytime 7am-4pm BUT for 1. Jerry started this and we have been having the same exact spot coincidentally behind Gianna's Mom in Jaeana's class. 2. This has been everyday the past 2 weeks. Only difference Jerry wasn't with me this time. Now I saw the Motorcycle Police Officer and I was obeying every special slow down and turn signal and all that and with all the cars parked along this street I just did what I normally do without another thought. I got the kids, walked back to the car and as I was putting them in, Gianna's mom moments ahead of me, that Cop pulls up behind my truck. Lights flashing and staring at me. I was baffled and hoping he was just waiting for a car to move or something and was going around me but NO! No he was after ME! I was trying to hurry my kids up into the truck and he tells me "don't you see the sign?" I was really baffled and actually I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN PULLED OVER OR STOPPED IN ANY WAY BY A POLICE OFFICER EVER IN MY LIFE OF DRIVING EVER!!! So I wasn't quite sure how to react I was still in shock. Without trying to be cocky staring at the row of cars...I said "Yes I see the sign but I didn't know we couldn't park here I just thought since everyone was doing it that it was fine." "No ma'am!" Well obviously I can see that now, but what about the car in front of me pulling away and any of those other cars...I didn't say that but I was thinking it. So I stood there waiting not knowing if I needed to grab my license or something. I have never done this before. After taking down my license plate number he went to the side of the car and was writing and I so I wasn't sure what to do so I followed him and asked if I needed to get anything for him. He told me No that it was only a parking ticket that would not go on my driving record just against the registered owner which I guess is Jerry. All I have to do is send in a $31 payment or if I wait $57 or contest it in court.

I got back in the truck and drove off. I was irritated that he purposely chose ME to bother which I thought was super stupid, and then I was feeling like I wanted to cry because this was my first Police experience, then telling myself that it was nothing, no harm just $31 I need to pay and a HUGE knowing that I WILL NEVER EVER PARK THERE AGAIN!!!! I will come early or walk a thousand miles through the neighborhood, but I WILL NOT PARK THERE! Bah!

I didn't let it shake me though and HAPPY I REMAIN SO BOOOO ON YOU POOOO SATAN! I win and you lose!

I finished my busy busy night of homework and book reports and stuff with the kiddos, had some time with my mom after Jerry had picked her up from the airport. I feel pretty accomplished. I need to finish up some cleaning and I had originally wanted to Pour Out my Latest Revelations but this is taking its place...ah well. I barely wrote this. I was up with Cedg til after 10pm helping to get things in order for him for school. Good thing he does't start school til 9pm for stuff like this. I'm practicing the set lists for tomorrow's worship practices in main and youth and my neck and head have tension and pain.....rushing to type this and end. Gotta go! Loves and Hugs, Until tomorrow!! OOOOHHHH Yay Jerry is home from Guy's night right now! Even better! See Happy Moments from beginning to end!!!!!! Oh yeah!!!!!

Christina Carroll

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